- Health Minister Mark Butler congratulated on inquiry into gender medicine for childrenWomen Speak Tasmania congratulates the federal Health Minister Mark Butler on his decision to establish an inquiry into gender medicine guidelines for young people suffering gender distress. Mark Butler’s decision comes in the wake of the recent whistleblower allegations about the rogue Cairns Sexual Health Service that have prompted the… Read more: Health Minister Mark Butler congratulated on inquiry into gender medicine for children
- Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma called on to follow Queensland Premier’s ban on puberty blockers and cross sex hormonesToday, Premier of Queensland, David Crisafulli announced that puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for minors with gender distress will be banned. Premier David Crisafulli’s actions following revelations that Cairns Sexual Health Service was providing puberty blockers to children as young as 12 years old without parental consent or any… Read more: Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma called on to follow Queensland Premier’s ban on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones
- Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma must conduct independent review into off label puberty blockersWomen Speak Tasmania are calling on the Minister for Health Jacquie Petrusma to conduct an independent review into the Tasmanian Gender Service use of off label puberty blockers for the treatment of gender dysphoria. WST’ call today comes on the back of the NZ Ministry of Health’s release this week… Read more: Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma must conduct independent review into off label puberty blockers
- Call on Minister to act on UN Special Rapporteur Report on Women’s SportWomen Speak Tasmania have called on the Minister for Sport to take action following UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls Reem Alsalem’s report on women’s sports. With consideration to Algerian professional boxer Imane Khelif Olympics boxing fiasco and numerous other cases of trans-identified males competing in women’s… Read more: Call on Minister to act on UN Special Rapporteur Report on Women’s Sport
- Education Minister Jo Palmer should axe political lobby group’s teacher training program– leaked documents.Women Speak Tasmania have called on the Minister for Education Jo Palmer to immediately axe a teacher training program being delivered to all Primary and Secondary Teachers by political lobby group Working It Out on behalf of the Department of Education, Children and Young People. ‘Leaked documents show the training… Read more: Education Minister Jo Palmer should axe political lobby group’s teacher training program– leaked documents.
- Push for Parliamentary Inquiry into sex self ID Laws following Olympics FiascoIn the last few days the world has been witness to the disastrous result that sex self ID laws have had on women’s sports. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has failed to protect female athletes by allowing men who identify as women, whether intersex or transgender, to compete against women.… Read more: Push for Parliamentary Inquiry into sex self ID Laws following Olympics Fiasco
- Calls On Federal Health Minister to Conduct Inquiry into Gender ClinicsFollowing on from Tasmania Health Minister Guy Barnett written request to Federal Health Minister Mark Butler to consider establishing a Commonwealth inquiry into gender clinics, WST have kept this momentum going by also writing to Health Minister Mark Butler. Spokesperson Dr Elizabeth Caballero Pastor said, ‘After our initial request sent… Read more: Calls On Federal Health Minister to Conduct Inquiry into Gender Clinics
- Calls for Commonwealth Inquiry into Gender ClinicsIn response to WST correspondence with Health Minister Guy Barnett, we are pleased that the Tasmanian Liberal Government is the first Government in Australia to back a Commonwealth inquiry into gender clinics and their guidelines in response to release of England’s groundbreaking Cass Review. Spokesperson Dr Elizabeth Caballero Pastor said,… Read more: Calls for Commonwealth Inquiry into Gender Clinics
- Banned drug leuprorelin acetate still being prescribed in Tasmania.The drug leuprorelin acetate, now banned in the UK from use as a puberty blocker, is still being prescribed by the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS). Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Italy have also implemented bans on the use of puberty blockers for under 18’s because of risks to patient safety. The… Read more: Banned drug leuprorelin acetate still being prescribed in Tasmania.
- Call on Minister Nic Street to establish Hobart City Council InquiryWomen Speak Tasmania have written to the Local Government Minister Nic Street calling on him to establish a Parliamentarty Inquiry into the toxic culture at Hobart City Council exposed through documents obtained under RTI by Cr Louise Elliot and Women Speak Tasmania. Spokesperson Cassandra Colefax said ‘The recent articles in… Read more: Call on Minister Nic Street to establish Hobart City Council Inquiry
- Puberty Blockers given off label at Tasmanian Gender ServiceInformation obtained under Right to Information on the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) confirms the need for the Health Minister Guy Barnett to conduct an urgent Inquiry into the TGS: standards of care, transparency of the agency and use of off label Puberty Blockers. Women Speak Tasmania have forwarded the RTI… Read more: Puberty Blockers given off label at Tasmanian Gender Service
- Tasmanian International Women’s cyclist calls out trans inclusion in competition sportHobart based International and National Women’s cycling competitor Jodie Willett last year resigned her membership of AusCycling over their policy of trans inclusion in women’s cycling competitions. Last year Jodie Willett wrote to AusCycling advising them that until such time as Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and AusCycling reversed their decision… Read more: Tasmanian International Women’s cyclist calls out trans inclusion in competition sport
- Call on Health Minister to defer debate on Conversion Bill and back push for National InquiryWomen Speak Tasmania (WST) have called on the Health Minister Guy Barnett to defer debate on The Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 and back the call from Dr Philip Morris, President of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) for an independent investigation into treatments being used for vulnerable children struggling… Read more: Call on Health Minister to defer debate on Conversion Bill and back push for National Inquiry
- Fix conversion laws before banning conversion practicesSafeguarding Children in Schools Australia and Women Speak Tasmania will be calling on the new Government once elected, to urgently review existing conversion laws before debating any anti conversion Bill put before parliament. Today we have released our Submission to the draft Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024. In principle,… Read more: Fix conversion laws before banning conversion practices
- Protesters call for Minister’s interventionProtesters will be gathering outside Hobart Town Hall at 10am Wednesday 31 January 2024 in support of Hobart Councillor Louise Elliot and freedom of political communication and other matters concerning the toxic culture in the leadership of Hobart City Council. Louise Elliot has endured 18 months of an orchestrated campaign… Read more: Protesters call for Minister’s intervention
- Puberty blocker and insurance bans are red flags for Premier Rockcliff on trans health careRecent bans and restrictions on the use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for treatment of gender dysphoria in minors in numerous European countries, along with changes to insurance cover for doctors in Australia, is a wake up call to Premier Rockcliff over trans child health care. Spokeswoman Isla… Read more: Puberty blocker and insurance bans are red flags for Premier Rockcliff on trans health care
- Department of Education instructs schools to ignore Safeguarding report Asleep at the WheelA Department of Education representative has told its schools to ignore an important report that was recently provided to them by Safeguarding Children in Schools. The report, titled Asleep at the Wheel – An Examination of Gender and Safeguarding in Schools, was provided to public schools following growing concerns amongst… Read more: Department of Education instructs schools to ignore Safeguarding report Asleep at the Wheel
- Women’s rights groups call on Tasmania government to conduct inquiryStanding for Women, Tasmania, in collaboration with an alliance of women’s, lesbians’, and children’s human rights groups, has written to the Premier calling on his government to conduct a parliamentary inquiry into events leading up to and on the day of the Let Women Speak event held on Tuesday 21… Read more: Women’s rights groups call on Tasmania government to conduct inquiry
- Protest at Hobart Aquatic Centre to keep single sex change rooms and toilets.Protesters will gather outside the Centre to talk to patrons as they enter the pool in the morning. Joining the protest will be Glenorchy Alderman and retired teacher Harry Quick and former Hobart Alderman and teacher Jeff Briscoe. Posters in the women’s toilets and change rooms at the Hobart Aquatic… Read more: Protest at Hobart Aquatic Centre to keep single sex change rooms and toilets.
- NSW Westmead Children’s Hospital Study points to urgent review of Tasmanian Gender Service GuidelinesPremier Jeremy Rockcliff needs to take urgent action on the findings of a study covered in The Australian today including on the front page Doctor scrutiny on gender clinic reveals legal, safety fears. The Tasmanian Gender Service has come under pressure from numerous groups in Tasmania in past years over… Read more: NSW Westmead Children’s Hospital Study points to urgent review of Tasmanian Gender Service Guidelines
- RTI Documents expose Lord Mayor’s abuse of powerDocuments recently obtained under Right to Information reveal the Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds’ abuse of her powers concerning the raising of the trans flags outside the Town Hall during the Coalition for Biological Reality forum Gender Identity in Law on 26 February, 2022. Spokesperson Isla MacGregor said: ‘Documents reveal that… Read more: RTI Documents expose Lord Mayor’s abuse of power
- Hobart Early Childhood Centre Is No Place for Drag Queen Story TimeMembers of Keep Gender Ideology Out of Schools are calling on Roger Jaensch, Minister for Education, Children and Youth, and Leanne McLean, Commissioner for Children and Young People, to investigate a 16 June 2022 event at the Cambridge Road Play and Learn Centre in Warrane, where drag queen Anna’mal Tuckerbox… Read more: Hobart Early Childhood Centre Is No Place for Drag Queen Story Time
- Quakers cancel booking for women’s forum The Clerks of the Tasmanian Regional Meeting (TRM) of the Quakers yesterday cancelled the forum booking for Women Speak Tasmania scheduled for Monday night 18 March. The forum was to be held in the Friends Meeting House in Argyle Street, New Town. ‘The cancellation appears to be the result of… Read more: Quakers cancel booking for women’s forum
- Opposition grows against Transgender Rights campaignNewly formed group Women Speak Tasmania, are ramping up their campaign to oppose reforms proposed by transgender lobby group Transforming Tasmania. Spokesperson Bronwyn Williams said, ‘We are talking with many people in the Tasmanian community, especially women, who are shocked at the loss of safe women only services in Tasmania… Read more: Opposition grows against Transgender Rights campaign
- Calls for Review of Sex Discrimination LawsWomen Speak Tasmania is calling for uniform changes to federal and state anti-discrimination laws. Spokesperson Bronwyn Williams said, ‘We are calling on all Australian legislatures to urgently address the need for accurate and effective definitions of “sex” and “gender identity” in anti-discrimination laws across Australia’. ‘We must develop uniform laws… Read more: Calls for Review of Sex Discrimination Laws