Banned drug leuprorelin acetate still being prescribed in Tasmania.

The drug leuprorelin acetate, now banned in the UK from use as a puberty blocker, is still being prescribed by the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS).

Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Italy have also implemented bans on the use of puberty blockers for under 18’s because of risks to patient safety.

The bans have been implemented following the comprehensive findings in the Dr Hilary Cass Review which included an evaluation of five gender clinics in Australia.

The Cass Review evaluated the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Melbourne Australian Standards of Care, as well as the World Professional Association of Trans Health (WPATH) SOC 8 guidelines.

The Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) use both the RCH Melbourne and WPATH Guidelines. The Cass Review rated these guidelines for rigour of development at a score 19/100 for RCH Melbourne while WPATH was 35/100.

The RCH Melbourne scored 14/100 and WPATH 39/100 for editorial independence.

Clearly the rapidly escalating bans on puberty blockers internationally and these RCH Melbourne/WPATH ratings concerning the TGS should ring alarm bells for health professionals in Tasmania.

The Health Minister Guy Barnett must step in and ban the use of leuprorelin acetate by the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) and review the operational guidelines of the TGS as a matter of urgency.