Women Speak Tasmania is a network of women and their supporters based in Tasmania. We operate as a secular group.
We are not aligned with any political party or ideology.
We share research and information on a broad range of women’s rights issues. These include – female only spaces, services, groups and facilities; the sexualisation of girls and women; pornography/prostitution and the harms of the global sex trade; surrogacy as a violation of women’s human rights; and ending male violence against girls and women.
We understand that sex-based oppression affects all women, and underlies all abuses of female rights.
We support the right of women to speak freely about the inequities and discrimination they experience. We aim to give a voice to girls and women in the pursuit of justice, peace and security. We support full autonomy and personal freedom for all women.
We support the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights
Article 1: Reaffirming that the rights of women are based upon the category of sex
Article 2: Reaffirming the nature of motherhood as an exclusively female status
Article 3: Reaffirming the rights of women and girls to physical and reproductive integrity
Article 4: Reaffirming women’s rights to freedom of opinion and freedom of expression
Article 5: Reaffirming women’s right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association
Article 6: Reaffirming women’s rights to political participation on the basis of sex
Article 8: Reaffirming the need for the elimination of violence against women
Article 9: Reaffirming the need for the protection of the rights of the child