Department of Education instructs schools to ignore Safeguarding report Asleep at the Wheel

A Department of Education representative has told its schools to ignore an important report that was recently provided to them by Safeguarding Children in Schools.

The report, titled Asleep at the Wheel – An Examination of Gender and Safeguarding in Schools, was provided to public schools following growing concerns amongst Tasmanian parents and teachers into the teaching, management and prevalence of gender ideology in school communities.

Safeguarding Children in Schools is aware that an employee with the Department of Education instructed “all staff, including Administrative staff” to not use the report or consider it “a resource that you or your Safeguarding Lead should use to guide work in this area”.

“This is a very disappointing response to a sound report that’s responding to a global issue of critical importance. An open mind to different perspectives is essential to the safeguarding of our children,” Mr Jeff Briscoe said.

The report aims to provide educators with up-to-date information needed to make well-informed, science-based decisions and to put into perspective any ideologically driven programs that potentially place children at risk of harm.

Many Tasmanian teachers have expressed serious concerns about their duty of care and safeguarding of children, especially given the now well acknowledged social contagion of gender ideology.

Gender identity law reforms in Tasmania have resulted in education department policy reforms that many teachers want to see an open and robust debate on. SCISA has distributed this report to inform this discussion.

View the report on the below link: