Tag: Tasmania
Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma called on to follow Queensland Premier’s ban on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones
Today, Premier of Queensland, David Crisafulli announced that puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for minors with gender distress will be banned. Premier David Crisafulli’s actions following revelations that Cairns Sexual Health Service was providing puberty blockers to children as young as 12 years old without parental consent or any oversight. In light of such…
Dossier on Impacts of Tasmania Sex Self-ID laws on Women, Girls, Families and LGB people
PRESENTED TO TASMANIAN ATTORNEY GENERAL GUY BARNETT INTRODUCTION Women Speak Tasmania (WST) is a women led and woman centred grass roots advocacy body. We campaign for the sex based rights of women in Tasmania. WST believes that biological sex is binary and gives rise to meaningful distinctions between men and women. We are opposed to…
Comments on the Respectful Relationship Education Y7-10 & Y11-12
in SchoolsRecently concerned educators and parents have come forward to alert us about the content of the RRE document Y11-12. The document contains sensitive material about sexuality, violent behaviours and porn. https://publicdocumentcentre.education.tas.gov.au/library/Shared%20Documents/Respectful-Relationships-Education-Teaching-and-Learning-Resources-Y11-12.pdf The teaching strategies put forward in this booklet rely on role play, personal discussion and the hearing/reading of true stories about sexual abuse. One…
Letter to Attorney General Guy Barnett – Safe Toilets
Recently a member of the public wrote to Attorney General Guy Barnett to share her experience in a public toilet —————— Dear Attorney General, I believe you are currently looking into debate around different types of gender use in public situations. I am particularly interested to see your findings as I am a retired teacher…
Lawfare against Cr Louise Elliot enabled by bureaucrats
INCITING HATRED ACTION 1 Action Councillor Louise Elliot spoke at a Let Women Speak even at Parliament Lawns in February 2023. What Cr Elliot said is shown in the below post. Part of her speech included Cr Elliot saying that “transwomen are transwomen and remain biological men”. Lawfare The Anti-Discrimination Commissioner accepted a complaint that…
Gender Ideology indoctrination in Tasmanian Schools
Gender Ideology indoctrination is happening at Tasmanian schools, parents have sent screenshots of the material given to their children by the Department of Education, Children and Young People The first set of photos is from Rosny College, where young people are encourage to talk about the Gender Unicorn during their support group. Had this attached…
Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma must conduct independent review into off label puberty blockers
Women Speak Tasmania are calling on the Minister for Health Jacquie Petrusma to conduct an independent review into the Tasmanian Gender Service use of off label puberty blockers for the treatment of gender dysphoria. WST’ call today comes on the back of the NZ Ministry of Health’s release this week of their review into puberty…
Human Rights relating to Women
By Sarah Kingsley United Nations Documents There is a range of legislation including international covenants and Australian law that governs human rights. The base document that outlines all human rights is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There is also the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The most important relating specifically…
Call on Minister to act on UN Special Rapporteur Report on Women’s Sport
Women Speak Tasmania have called on the Minister for Sport to take action following UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls Reem Alsalem’s report on women’s sports. With consideration to Algerian professional boxer Imane Khelif Olympics boxing fiasco and numerous other cases of trans-identified males competing in women’s sports, Reem Alsalem has stated…
Ivan Dean Bill – Alternate Bill for Gender Reforms
Attached below is the alternative legislation that Women Speak Tasmania member Bronwyn Williams drafted for Ivan Dean