Education Minister Jo Palmer should axe political lobby group’s teacher training program– leaked documents.

Women Speak Tasmania have called on the Minister for Education Jo Palmer to immediately axe a teacher training program being delivered to all Primary and Secondary Teachers by political lobby group Working It Out on behalf of the Department of Education, Children and Young People.

‘Leaked documents show the training program “Supporting Sexuality, Sex and Gender Diversity in HPE” places teachers in an unacceptable legal and ethical position requiring them to participate in the medical transitioning of gender dysphoric students.’ 

‘The training program requires teachers, already under extreme workload pressures, to monitor students for known adverse health impacts from breast binders, breast removal, hormone treatments or genital surgery.’

‘WST has notified Jo Palmer that the social transitioning of students in schools is now recognised as medical transitioning and that teachers must not be required to provide medical support/advice or promote what is now recognised as harmful medical practices.’

‘The training program suggests that students who object to trans students in their facilities, i.e. boys in girls facilities, will be subject to punishment for harassment. And, that student demands for teachers to not use the word woman, rather ‘person with a uterus who identifies as female’ should be mandated as normal language.‘

‘From across Tasmania, WST has received many complaints from outraged teachers and parents opposing the roll out of gender ideology in schools.  WST have called on Education Minister Jo Palmer to axe this program pending a full investigation.