Information obtained under Right to Information on the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) confirms the need for the Health Minister Guy Barnett to conduct an urgent Inquiry into the TGS: standards of care, transparency of the agency and use of off label Puberty Blockers.
Women Speak Tasmania have forwarded the RTI documents to Guy Barnett as well as England’s Cass Report calling on him to conduct an urgent inquiry into the Tasmanian Gender Service.
WST Spokesperson and retired GP Elizabeth Caballero Pastor said,
“While TGS data on Puberty Blocker and cross sex hormones is currently low or lacking accuracy, we really have no idea what is happening in the private health sector especially those still using the controversial affirmative care approach.”
“The TGS rely on the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Melbourne Australian Standards of Care, as well as the WPATH SOC 8 guidelines which have both come under fire in Dr Hilary Cass’s Report in England.”
“Dr Cass reported the RCH guideline rated a score for the rigour of its of development at 19/100 whileWPATH was 35/100. The RCH scored 14/100 and WPATH 39/100 for editorial independence.”
“The RTI documents and the Cass Report findings raise serious questions over whether the TGS can provide best practise standards of care to families and children in Tasmania.”