Tag: Gender
Recommend: Gender Ideology, Social Contagion, and the Making of a Transgender Generation
This unique, comprehensive book on the global child and adolescent transgender crisis highlights the fallacies of gender ideology and explains why social contagion is a major factor in the upsurge of young people wishing to transition. It underscores for the first time how social contagion also influences the many professions involved in treatment of gender…
Managing Gender Dysphoria in Young People – NAPP Guide
Gender dysphoria/incongruence in young people is a contested area of medical practice. The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) Guide avoids political, social, religious and ideological positions.
Recommend : Gender Dysphoria In Children And Young People – Book by Dr Dianna T. Kenny
Gender dysphoria in children and young people has become a significant health and welfare issue over the past 20 years as increasing numbers of young people declare themselves transgender and demand gender affirmation treatment, an experimental process involving social transition, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery. Sadly, the voices of gender identity politics and…
Push for Parliamentary Inquiry into sex self ID Laws following Olympics Fiasco
In the last few days the world has been witness to the disastrous result that sex self ID laws have had on women’s sports. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has failed to protect female athletes by allowing men who identify as women, whether intersex or transgender, to compete against women. Dr Elizabeth Caballero Pastor said…
Australian Building Code Board Public Consultation
The Australian Building Codes Board has launched a public consultation in order to promote inclusivity and gender diverse acceptance through the introduction of all ‘gender’ sanitary facilities. ABCP proposal: WST response: Language mattersGender identity is based on fluid and potentially ever changing feelings about sex role stereotyping. Sex is immutable and a biological reality. Individuals…
Puberty Blockers given off label at Tasmanian Gender Service
Information obtained under Right to Information on the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) confirms the need for the Health Minister Guy Barnett to conduct an urgent Inquiry into the TGS: standards of care, transparency of the agency and use of off label Puberty Blockers. Women Speak Tasmania have forwarded the RTI documents to Guy Barnett as…
Letters to Tasmania Health Minister Guy Barnett
WST members campaigned for the safeguarding of children and the banning of Puberty blockers in children. We also request a proper inquiry into Tasmania Gender clinics Below are our correspondence 05th May 2024 Dear Health Minister Guy Barnett, I am writing in regards to the RTI Documents and Cass Report on Australian gender clinics that…
Call on Health Minister to defer debate on Conversion Bill and back push for National Inquiry
Women Speak Tasmania (WST) have called on the Health Minister Guy Barnett to defer debate on The Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 and back the call from Dr Philip Morris, President of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) for an independent investigation into treatments being used for vulnerable children struggling with gender dysphoria. WSTs call…
Puberty Suppression for Pediatric Gender Dysphoria and the Child’s Right to an Open Future
Right to “Open future” is most consistent with letting children become adults before proceeding with gender transition, conclude study authors A new peer-reviewed article published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior examines the clinical and ethical implications of puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria through the lens of “the child’s right to an open future.” As…
‘Anti-trans’ group invited to help develop trans-inclusive posters for public toilets
A Tasmanian group that has been accused of sharing “anti-transgender” material on social media has been invited to take part in designing trans-inclusionary posters for public bathrooms. The motion to introduce the posters, which was moved by alderman Holly Ewin, was approved by the full Hobart City Council last month. In the motion, the wording…