Category: Government and Legislation
Dossier on Impacts of Tasmania Sex Self-ID laws on Women, Girls, Families and LGB people
PRESENTED TO TASMANIAN ATTORNEY GENERAL GUY BARNETT INTRODUCTION Women Speak Tasmania (WST) is a women led and woman centred grass roots advocacy body. We campaign for the sex based rights of women in Tasmania. WST believes that biological sex is binary and gives rise to meaningful distinctions between men and women. We are opposed to…
Lawfare against Cr Louise Elliot enabled by bureaucrats
INCITING HATRED ACTION 1 Action Councillor Louise Elliot spoke at a Let Women Speak even at Parliament Lawns in February 2023. What Cr Elliot said is shown in the below post. Part of her speech included Cr Elliot saying that “transwomen are transwomen and remain biological men”. Lawfare The Anti-Discrimination Commissioner accepted a complaint that…
Deeming vs Pesutto: An Analysis
by Sarah Kingsley THE CASE Ms Deeming alleged that Mr Pesutto had defamed her on five occasions, causing injury to her and her reputation, by referring to her as a Nazi sympathiser. Mr Pesutto denied this. Defamation is when a person publishes material that injures another person’s reputation. Defamation law gives a person whose reputation…
Ivan Dean Bill – Alternate Bill for Gender Reforms
Attached below is the alternative legislation that Women Speak Tasmania member Bronwyn Williams drafted for Ivan Dean
The Apology That Never Happened.
The Apology That Never Happened. Hobart City Council’s apology to Louise Elliot for discriminating against her was a half-baked, shallow attempt to tick the box. Watch by clicking in link .. Watch all the meeting
Letter to MPs Conversion Therapy Bill
Below is a letter Women Speak Tasmania sent to Members of Parliament after the Tasmania State Election Dear Member of Parliament, We would like to congratulate you on your success in the recent electionand to wish you well as you assume your seat in the Tasmanian Parliament. We would like to alert you to a…
Candidates back Inquiries into Tasmanian Gender Service and Sex Self ID laws
Women Speak Tasmania are pleased to announce that in response to a questionnaire (see below) sent to all candidates the following 16 Independent and Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party of Tasmania (SFFPT) candidates have backed the urgent establishment of Parliamentary Inquiries into the Tasmanian Gender Service and Sex Self ID Laws: Ind Louise Elliot, Phillip…