Councillor Louise Elliot spoke at a Let Women Speak even at Parliament Lawns in February 2023. What Cr Elliot said is shown in the below post. Part of her speech included Cr Elliot saying that “transwomen are transwomen and remain biological men”.
The Anti-Discrimination Commissioner accepted a complaint that Cr Elliot had “incite hatred, serious contempt, or severe ridicule of a person or group of people…” for her factual statement that transwomen remain biological men.
After a so-called ‘investigation’ period, the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner escalated the complaint to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
The complaint was withdrawn by the complainant nearly a year later. Hindle v Elliot [2024] TASCAT 45 (21 March 2024)
Cr Louise Elliot incurred legal costs in excess of $17,000 for this matter. An application for costs was unsuccessful. Hindle v Elliot [2024] TASCAT 45 (21 March 2024)

Councillor Louise Elliot was speaking to members of the community at the Northgate Shopping Centre where a person of obvious male appearance threatened her. Cr Elliot also made several social media posts related to womens rights and evidence-based healthcare for children.
The Anti-Discrimination Commissioner accepted a complaint that Cr Elliot had “discriminated” against the Complainants and had “incite hatred, serious contempt, or severe ridicule of a person or group of people…”.
The discrimination complainant was based on Cr Elliot has publicly described a person of obvious male appearance (who threatened her) as a male “he/him”.
The “incite hatred” complaint was based on Cr Elliot sharing her political belief and factual information on social media related to women’s rights, children’s healthcare and gender ideology.
Once again, the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner escalated the complaint to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Cr Elliot’s legal representative argued that TASCAT did not have jurisdiction as the matter related to the implied freedom of political communication. The matter was then transferred to the Magistrate’s Court.
The complaint was withdrawn by the complainant around eight months later.Esmeralda Rosalia Isabelle Miller and Lucy Richmond v Louise Elliot [2024] TASCAT 215
Cr Louise Elliot incurred legal costs in excess of $11,000 for this matter.