Tag: censorship
Dossier on Impacts of Tasmania Sex Self-ID laws on Women, Girls, Families and LGB people
PRESENTED TO TASMANIAN ATTORNEY GENERAL GUY BARNETT INTRODUCTION Women Speak Tasmania (WST) is a women led and woman centred grass roots advocacy body. We campaign for the sex based rights of women in Tasmania. WST believes that biological sex is binary and gives rise to meaningful distinctions between men and women. We are opposed to…
Lawfare against Cr Louise Elliot enabled by bureaucrats
INCITING HATRED ACTION 1 Action Councillor Louise Elliot spoke at a Let Women Speak even at Parliament Lawns in February 2023. What Cr Elliot said is shown in the below post. Part of her speech included Cr Elliot saying that “transwomen are transwomen and remain biological men”. Lawfare The Anti-Discrimination Commissioner accepted a complaint that…
Impacts of Trans activism on the Human Rights of Women and Girls
Below is an interesting paper prepared by the Feminist Legal Clinic detailing the impacts trans activism had on women’ rights, safe spaces, participation on sports and the erasure of the lesbian community
It’s time to re-evaluate the ABC’s ties with ACON
in Media BiasA non-partisan coalition of feminist and LGB groups has written to Kim Williams, ABC Chair, to express our concerns about the ABC’s relationship with the advocacy group ACON. We are especially concerned that the ABC’s membership of ACON/Pride in Diversity and its participation in ACON’s Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) compromises the ABC’s independence and undermines the…
Chronology of Burnie Library Forum cancellation
Below are the details to our cancelled forum at the Burnie Library on the 21st March 2024, which was about the latest details coming from Europe in relation to the use of puberty blockers and gender affirming care in children and young people and detailed information from the UK government CASS Review *Personal emails and phone numbers…
Tasmania will this coming week face its free speech litmus test
in NewsFree speech is a keystone right – all other rights flow from it, from freedom of association, religion, and even the right to a fair trial. It has played a vital part in our Tasmanian democracy these past hundred years. Which is why it is strange that the idea is now under attack all across…
Forum: Puberty Blockers – The 21st Century global medical scandal
Women Speak Tasmania members organised a Forum in Burnie Library to warn parents of the risks of the use of puberty blockers in gender medicine. But the library cancelled WST’s booking on Monday morning, saying that the content of the forum did not meet the library’s policy on supporting diversity and inclusion. In a letter…