Category: Submissions
Inquiry into Discrimination and Bullying in Tasmanian Schools
Dear Committee Members, Women Speak Tasmania is a non profit organization advocating for women and young girls rights in the state of Tasmania, we welcome the government Inquiry into Discrimination And Bullying in Tasmanian schools. We want to use this opportunity to inform you that recently WST was alerted to the content of a program…
Australian Building Code Board Public Consultation
The Australian Building Codes Board has launched a public consultation in order to promote inclusivity and gender diverse acceptance through the introduction of all ‘gender’ sanitary facilities. ABCP proposal: WST response: Language mattersGender identity is based on fluid and potentially ever changing feelings about sex role stereotyping. Sex is immutable and a biological reality. Individuals…
Justice Miscellaneous -Conversion Practices- Bill 2024
in SubmissionsWhile commendable in principle, the Government’s proposed Bill intended to ban conversion practices that attempt to change or eradicate the sexual orientation or gender identity of another person, fails to address critical inconsistencies with existing laws regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. In principle, we support laws that prevent conversion practices for sexual orientation, however…
Tasmania Law Reform Institute – Conversion Practices
in SubmissionsLaw Reform Options for Tasmania Question 1 After considering the background and working definition, in your opinion, what are and are not ‘sexual orientation and gender identity conversion practices’? The immediate problem with the Institute’s working definition of ‘sexual orientation and gender identity conversion practices’ – so-called SOGI conversion practices – is that ‘sexual orientation’…