Category: Resources
The Amnesty Dossier
By Isla MacGregor All you need to know about the corrupted process that led to Amnesty International branch stacking meetings and writing biased reports to fast track the Amnesty Full Decriminalisation of Prostitution Policy for the benefit of pimps and sex buyers and to further entrench violence to women in prostitution.
Impacts of Trans activism on the Human Rights of Women and Girls
Below is an interesting paper prepared by the Feminist Legal Clinic detailing the impacts trans activism had on women’ rights, safe spaces, participation on sports and the erasure of the lesbian community
Managing Gender Dysphoria in Young People – NAPP Guide
Gender dysphoria/incongruence in young people is a contested area of medical practice. The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) Guide avoids political, social, religious and ideological positions.
Human Rights relating to Women
By Sarah Kingsley United Nations Documents There is a range of legislation including international covenants and Australian law that governs human rights. The base document that outlines all human rights is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There is also the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The most important relating specifically…
Report of the Special Rapporteur on – Violence against women and girls in sports
In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences, Reem Alsalem, explores the various forms, causes and consequences of violence against women and girls in sports. Reem Alsalem has stated ‘female athletes are more vulnerable to sustaining serious physical injuries when female-only sports spaces are opened to…
Gender Toolkit – An Urgent Conversation
A group in the USA called Restore Childhood has just released a PDF for parents titled ‘An Urgent Conversation’. We hoped that this resource will be of use to Australian parents trying to navigate ‘gender ideology’ with their kids Restore Childhood is a national nonprofit founded to protect children from governmental overreach in health and education. We believe…
Sexual assault in Australia
in ResourcesAustralian Government – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Published August 2020 Click on the link to view
Ivan Dean Bill – Alternate Bill for Gender Reforms
Attached below is the alternative legislation that Women Speak Tasmania member Bronwyn Williams drafted for Ivan Dean
An Analysis of the Tasmanian DECYP Respectful Relationships and Consent in the Early Years Policy
by Emma Shaw Tasmanian DECYP is the Tasmanian Department for Education, Children and Young People Release 14 June 2024 Analysis of DECYP Respectful Relationships and Consent in the Early Years This document does contain some good and useful information for teachers however a careful reading of it and a look at some of the various…
Tickle vs Giggle Case Federal Court ruling. Files & transcripts
in ResourcesRoxanne Tickle v Giggle for Girls Pty Ltd & Anor Online File Given the significant public interest in this matter, the Court has adopted a publicly available Online File. Documents will be placed onto the Online File when they are considered both by the Court and the parties to be publicly accessible.