Protest at Hobart Aquatic Centre to keep single sex change rooms and toilets.

Protesters will gather outside the Centre to talk to patrons as they enter the pool in the morning.

Joining the protest will be Glenorchy Alderman and retired teacher Harry Quick and former Hobart Alderman and teacher Jeff Briscoe.

Posters in the women’s toilets and change rooms at the Hobart Aquatic Centre instruct female patrons that they must accept trans identified males in their toilets and changes rooms.

LGB Tasmania spokesperson Jessica Hoyle said

‘To suggest to girls and women that they have no choice but to share private spaces with males whether they are trans or not is an insult and a breach of their human rights.’

‘Under current Anti-Dsicrimination laws, any male can come into the women’s change rooms and say they identify as female.’

‘In places where girls and women undress they need to feel safe and deserve privacy and dignity’.

‘The Hobart Aquatic Centre have not asked female patrons how they feel about being required to undress in the presence of males.’

‘The Hobart Aquatic Centre have excluded women from discussion on this matter.’

‘There are options available for trans identified males to privately use the designated All Access, All gender and Family Change Room.’

Protesters will be seeking a meeting with Management to discuss our concerns.