Quakers cancel booking for women’s forum 

The Clerks of the Tasmanian Regional  Meeting (TRM) of the Quakers yesterday cancelled the forum booking for Women Speak Tasmania scheduled for Monday night 18 March.  The forum was to be held in the Friends Meeting House in Argyle Street, New Town.

‘The cancellation appears to be the result of a smear campaign from some in the transgender lobby to ensure the views of Women Speak Tasmania will not have a public forum in Tasmania’, said Women Speak Tasmania spokesperson, Bronwyn Williams.

‘One of the persons who contacted the Quakers to lodge a complaint against the forum was a staffer in the office of Greens MP, Cassy O’Connor’. 

‘Additionally, a call of complaint was made to the Quakers from the office of Labor MP, David O’Byrne’.

‘All the speakers at the Women Speak Tasmania forum are mothers and/or grandmothers with legitimate concerns about the effects transgender ideology is having on children, women and the broader Tasmanian community.   That ideology clearly underpins the radical legislative reforms to be debated in the Upper House of the Tasmanian parliament this week’, said Miss Williams.

The meeting ‘Review of transgender law reforms’ will go ahead at the Stoke Street Reserve on the corner of Argyle Street and New Town Road at 6.00 pm on Monday 18 March.

For more information contact – 

Jennie Herrera        xxxx xxx xxx

Bronwyn Williams   xxxx xxx xxx

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