Opposition grows against Transgender Rights campaign

Newly formed group Women Speak Tasmania, are ramping up their campaign to oppose reforms proposed by transgender lobby group Transforming  Tasmania.

Spokesperson Bronwyn Williams said, ‘We are talking with many people in the Tasmanian community, especially women, who are shocked at the loss of safe women only services in Tasmania and the threats suggested by Transforming Tasmania to push for further legislative reforms that give transgender women protections to the detriment of women.’

Recent examples including from Canada when a female sexual assault victim was forced to share a room in a female-only accommodation facility with a man ‘self-identifying’ as a woman because the facility chose to be ‘inclusive’ –


‘Women’s rights to single sex services, accommodation, educational institutions and sports teams, et cetera would clearly be under attack if self-identified transwomen were legally able to access them.’ 

‘We want to see a roll back and review of existing Anti Discrimination laws with full community consultation.”

‘Gender identity based protections must not be allowed to compromise women’s sex-based protections in law.  Women need to assured of access to safe female-only spaces and services’, said Ms Williams.