Tag: Women’s Rights
Dossier on Impacts of Tasmania Sex Self-ID laws on Women, Girls, Families and LGB people
PRESENTED TO TASMANIAN ATTORNEY GENERAL GUY BARNETT INTRODUCTION Women Speak Tasmania (WST) is a women led and woman centred grass roots advocacy body. We campaign for the sex based rights of women in Tasmania. WST believes that biological sex is binary and gives rise to meaningful distinctions between men and women. We are opposed to…
Deeming vs Pesutto: An Analysis
by Sarah Kingsley THE CASE Ms Deeming alleged that Mr Pesutto had defamed her on five occasions, causing injury to her and her reputation, by referring to her as a Nazi sympathiser. Mr Pesutto denied this. Defamation is when a person publishes material that injures another person’s reputation. Defamation law gives a person whose reputation…
Impacts of Trans activism on the Human Rights of Women and Girls
Below is an interesting paper prepared by the Feminist Legal Clinic detailing the impacts trans activism had on women’ rights, safe spaces, participation on sports and the erasure of the lesbian community
Human Rights relating to Women
By Sarah Kingsley United Nations Documents There is a range of legislation including international covenants and Australian law that governs human rights. The base document that outlines all human rights is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There is also the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The most important relating specifically…
Report of the Special Rapporteur on – Violence against women and girls in sports
In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences, Reem Alsalem, explores the various forms, causes and consequences of violence against women and girls in sports. Reem Alsalem has stated ‘female athletes are more vulnerable to sustaining serious physical injuries when female-only sports spaces are opened to…
Self ID in the Misinformation Era
by Dianna T. Kenny PhD Several key medical journals (e.g., JAMA) have identified the profound harms caused by medical and health misinformation. They assert that health misinformation on social media disproportionately harms female adolescents, racial and ethnic minority youth, LGBQT+ youth, and other marginalized groups. The recent conference of the American Psychological Association in Seattle,…
Female-Only App Founder to Appeal Court’s Ruling in Favour of Trans Woman
The woman behind a female-only app says she will appeal Federal Court decision ruling sex is ‘changeable.’ Giggle for Girls app founder Sall Grover has launched an appeal against a Federal Court decision ruling sex is “changeable.” The appeal resulted from Grover banning trans woman Roxanne Tickle from the female-only app and a subsequent successful…
She Won – A website celebrating the achievement of women in sports
This website is dedicated to archiving the achievements of female athletes who were displaced by males in women’s sporting events and other types of competitions expressly for women. One day soon we hope their accomplishments will be formally recognized. Click the link below https://www.shewon.org
Tickle vs Giggle Case Federal Court ruling. Files & transcripts
in ResourcesRoxanne Tickle v Giggle for Girls Pty Ltd & Anor Online File Given the significant public interest in this matter, the Court has adopted a publicly available Online File. Documents will be placed onto the Online File when they are considered both by the Court and the parties to be publicly accessible. https://www.fedcourt.gov.au/services/access-to-files-and-transcripts/online-files/roxanne-tickle-v-giggle-for-girls
Transgender woman Roxanne Tickle wins discrimination case after being banned from women-only app
in NewsA transgender woman who sued a women-only social media app for alleged gender discrimination has been awarded $10,000 plus costs after a judge found she had been indirectly discriminated against in a landmark decision that tested the meaning and scope of the Sex Discrimination Act. Roxanne Tickle, a transgender woman from regional New South Wales, sued…