Women Speak Tasmania (WST) have called on the Health Minister Guy Barnett to defer debate on The Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 and back the call from Dr Philip Morris, President of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) for an independent investigation into treatments being used for vulnerable children struggling with gender dysphoria.
WSTs call follows from the release of the UK Dr Hilary Cass Review which has found that treatments used by the Tavistock Gender Identity Service (GIDS) were “built on shaky foundations” and that there is no evidence base for the transitioning of vulnerable children.
The treatments include the use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones which are now heavily restricted or not being used for vulnerable children in a growing number of countries.
Dr Morris has called for the “states and the federal government to hold an independent inquiry so each of the states has the best path forward”.
The Tasmanian Gender Service currently uses the same affirmative approach which has been criticised intensely in the Cass Review. The Tasmanian Gender Service do not follow the cautious approach recommended in the NAPP Guidelines.
Before any debate in Parliament on the The Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 we must ensure that current practices being delivered by the Tasmanian Gender Service are not adversely affecting long term health outcomes of vulnerable children.