Tag: Conversion-Therapy

  • Landmark British report offers insights for Tasmania’s transgender debate

    A tectonic shift is taking place overseas in the debate over how to treat children that question their gender identity, and there are plenty of lessons to be learned in Tasmania. The UK government commissioned a review into the treatment of gender-diverse children back in 2020, and its full report by UK paediatrician Dr Hilary…

  • First, do not harm

    I could not agree more with Rodney Croome (Mercury 17 April) that ‘no one should have to endure being told they are fundamentally broken’.  But, equally, I would have thought that it is no great leap for Rodney Croome to understand that no child is born in the wrong body, that no child is broken.…

  • Call on Health Minister to defer debate on Conversion Bill and back push for National Inquiry

    Women Speak Tasmania (WST) have called on the Health Minister Guy Barnett to defer debate on The Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 and back the call from Dr Philip Morris, President of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) for an independent investigation into treatments being used for vulnerable children struggling with gender dysphoria. WSTs call…

  • Letter to MPs Conversion Therapy Bill

    Below is a letter Women Speak Tasmania sent to Members of Parliament after the Tasmania State Election Dear Member of Parliament, We would like to congratulate you on your success in the recent electionand to wish you well as you assume your seat in the Tasmanian Parliament. We would like to alert you to a…

  • Fix conversion laws before banning conversion practices

    Safeguarding Children in Schools Australia and Women Speak Tasmania will be calling on the new Government once elected, to urgently review existing conversion laws before debating any anti conversion Bill put before parliament. Today we have released our Submission to the draft Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024. In principle, we support laws that prevent…

  • Justice Miscellaneous -Conversion Practices- Bill 2024

    While commendable in principle, the Government’s proposed Bill intended to ban conversion practices that attempt to change or eradicate the sexual orientation or gender identity of another person, fails to address critical inconsistencies with existing laws regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. In principle, we support laws that prevent conversion practices for sexual orientation, however…

  • Cutting Out Parents put Kids at Risk

    Should organisations promoting gender affirming care be able to ignore the recommendations of a Royal Commission aimed at keeping kids safe? A Royal Commission Sadly we know all too well in Australia about the horrors of child sexual abuse and the damage it has done to countless children, many of whom are now adults. We…

  • The evidence to support medicalised gender transitions in adolescents is worryingly weak

    Prisha Mosley was 17 when she was first given testosterone on a clinic in North Carolina, after she had declared to her parents that she was a boy. She had struggled through her teen years with anorexia and depression after a sexual assault. Luka Hein had both breast removed as a 16 year old on…

  • Conversion Therapy forum staged in Hobart

    A forum in parliament to discuss a proposed ban on gender identity conversion therapy has heard that Tasmanians should be free to seek therapy, while a Sydney psychologist questioned the wisdom of allowing children to make their own choices in gender transition. The forum, which had been lambasted by Greens leader Cassy O’Connor as a…

  • Forum: Conversion laws: risks and harms?

    Free Speech Alliance Australia Forum at Parliament House Hobart Date: 23 November 2022  Time: 6-8.30 The Free Speech Alliance Australia would like to give a warm welcome tonight for everyone attending our first forum, Conversion laws:  risks and harms?  We welcome our guests who will shortly be speaking to you and we would like to…