Category: Letters to the Editor

  • Age and Agency

    The proposed federal social media minimum age legislation will prohibit children under 16 from accessing social media accounts, citing their increased vulnerability to platform-related harms. While the Act does not delve into the physiological basis basis for this vulnerability, it is well-establish that the emotional and impulsive limbic system is not fully tempered by the…

  • Pseudoscience & the Olympic fiasco

    Before the Sydney Olympics in 2000 athletes underwent genetic testing. A simple cheek swab would ensure everyone was competing in their respective male and female categories. Any issue with intersex athletes was dealt with on a case to case basis. This was done to ensure fairness and safeguarding of all athletes.  Somehow the International Olympic…

  • Inquiry into sex self ID after Olympics Fiasco

    Tasmanians will no doubt be interested in the IOCs turning a blind eye to the International Boxing Organisation’s warning about the serious problems with allowing males to compete in women’s sports. While the Olympics fiasco concerns a person with a Disorder of Sex Development, DSD, and not a trans identified male competing in women’s sports,…

  • The Cass Review significance

    Rodney Croome has failed to grasp the significance of the Cass Review ratings of gender clinics in Australia outlined in Ben Seeder’s important investigative article (Examiner 16 June 2024). Dr. Cass alarming ratings on the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne have direct implications for service delivery at the Tasmanian Gender Service. In 2019 the National Association…

  • First, do not harm

    I could not agree more with Rodney Croome (Mercury 17 April) that ‘no one should have to endure being told they are fundamentally broken’.  But, equally, I would have thought that it is no great leap for Rodney Croome to understand that no child is born in the wrong body, that no child is broken.…

  • The Importance of freedom of speech 

    Equality Tasmania calls journalist Benjamin Seeder article in the Examiner bias, putting in doubt his journalistic integrity when the opposite could not be more true. At this moment when many are afraid to raise their voices for fear of offending and reputation cancelation, he raises his. Robust debate and the exchange of ideas no matter…

  • Freedom of speech IS a responsibility

    Ben Seeder (Examiner March 31) has successfully covered an issue that all too often is not reported by Tasmanian media. After all, journalism is about having the tenacity and courage to report fairly and impartially in the public interest, even when political lobby groups, political or corporate bodies may become legally exposed or offended by…

  • Free Speech Essential in a Democracy

    I wish to express my concern regarding a recent letter to the Editor by Equality Tasmania which criticises journalist Ben Seeder.  In a democratic society, free speech is not only a fundamental right but also underpins our democracy. It must be said that regarding the impact of gender ideology, women and children have borne the brunt of this worldwide and…

  • Disinformation not the answer to evidence

    Dr Charlie Burton  (November 13), in a detailed rebuttal to our article ‘Open and frank discussions only way forward regarding gender law reforms’ (November 6), failed to respond to the key facts we outlined concerning the biological differences between men and women as they pertain to competition sports. Dr Burton appears to have completely omitted…

  • A feminist critique

    International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on this date to acknowledge the gains made by women in their struggle for rights. It is a time to reflect on the challenges ahead of us in these times of global uncertainty. Feminist are committed to centering women at the core of our struggle. Increasing poverty and…