I could not agree more with Rodney Croome (Mercury 17 April) that ‘no one should have to endure being told they are fundamentally broken’.
But, equally, I would have thought that it is no great leap for Rodney Croome to understand that no child is born in the wrong body, that no child is broken.
It is of interest that Rodney Croome and Equality Tasmania have made no public statement in response to the findings of the UK Cass Review into Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service.
Findings that have international implications for gender clinics and Governments especially here in Tasmania.
Nevertheless, Rodney Croome continues to push for anti conversion laws and the affirmative care approach which has been roundly condemned by Cass.
This review found that the majority of those children and adolescents presenting at the gender clinic were same-sex attracted.
Children and adolescents should be free to explore and experience life including puberty without feeling ‘broken’.
They are not in need of being ‘converted’ to transgender identities through, as the Cass Review found, unnecessary puberty suppression, hormones and surgery that have no evidence base for resolving the distress of gender dysphoria.
It is time these issues were thoroughly investigated and reported by the Tasmanian media before any debate in the Parliament on the Conversion Practices Bill.
The medical ethos must prevail “First, do no harm”
Dr. Elizabeth Caballero (retired GP)
Letter to The Mercury