- Letter to Attorney General Guy Barnett – Safe ToiletsRecently a member of the public wrote to Attorney General Guy Barnett to share her experience in a public toilet —————— Dear Attorney General, I believe you are currently looking into debate around different types of gender use in public situations. I am particularly interested to see your findings as… Read more: Letter to Attorney General Guy Barnett – Safe Toilets
- Letter to Jo Palmer schools HPE training programGood afternoon Ms. Palmer, We are writing to draw your attention to the extremely disturbing content of a teacher training program being delivered to Tasmanian primary and secondary school teachers by the organization Working It Out on behalf of your department, the DECYP. Women Speak Tasmania has recently been alerted… Read more: Letter to Jo Palmer schools HPE training program
- Letter to federal Health Minister Mark ButlerWST wrote to the Federal Health Minister to campaign for an inquiry into Gender Clinics in Australia Read our letter… Dear Federal Health Minister Mark Butler, We are a grassroots organization in Tasmania advocating for women’s sex based rights and pushing back against gender ideology. Our latest campaign called upon… Read more: Letter to federal Health Minister Mark Butler
- Letter to Jo Palmer about the dangers of gender ideology at schoolsWST member sent a letter to Education Minister Jo Palmer about the impacts of social transition in schools, the role of social media in rapid onset gender dysphoria and safety bathroom policy Contents of the letter… Dear Jo Palmer, I’m writing this letter to make you aware of the increasingly… Read more: Letter to Jo Palmer about the dangers of gender ideology at schools
- Letters to Tasmania Health Minister Guy BarnettWST members campaigned for the safeguarding of children and the banning of Puberty blockers in children. We also request a proper inquiry into Tasmania Gender clinics Below are our correspondence 05th May 2024 Dear Health Minister Guy Barnett, I am writing in regards to the RTI Documents and Cass Report… Read more: Letters to Tasmania Health Minister Guy Barnett
- Letter to MPs Conversion Therapy BillBelow is a letter Women Speak Tasmania sent to Members of Parliament after the Tasmania State Election Dear Member of Parliament, We would like to congratulate you on your success in the recent electionand to wish you well as you assume your seat in the Tasmanian Parliament. We would like… Read more: Letter to MPs Conversion Therapy Bill
- Open Letter to the Australian Human Rights CommissionIs the Australian Human Rights Commission conducting a witch-hunt? We are a group of civil society organisations, health practitioners, researchers, lawyers, writers and individuals, people of faith and atheists, from across the political spectrum. We are writing to express our deep alarm at the Australian Human Rights Commission’s current project… Read more: Open Letter to the Australian Human Rights Commission
- Email to Fiona Cameron Ombudsman ABC Hobart Radio complaintWomen Speak Tasmania letter to Fiona Cameron- ABC Ombudsman, with a complain about Leon Compton bias interview with Louise Elliot COMPLAINT: ABC Hobart Radio Leon Compton Interview with Louise Elliot We wish to make a complaint about the ABC Radio Tasmania Mornings host Leon Compton and his interview with Independent… Read more: Email to Fiona Cameron Ombudsman ABC Hobart Radio complaint
- Open letter to Board of Directors Equality AustraliaFrom: An Alliance of Australian lesbian, women’s and children’s rights organisations Dear Directors of the Board of Equality Australia, We the undersigned represent a broad alliance of lesbian and women’s rights organisations in Australia who have come together to invite Equality Australia to participate in a mediated round table discussion… Read more: Open letter to Board of Directors Equality Australia
- Women’s rights groups call on Tasmania government to conduct inquiryStanding for Women, Tasmania, in collaboration with an alliance of women’s, lesbians’, and children’s human rights groups, has written to the Premier calling on his government to conduct a parliamentary inquiry into events leading up to and on the day of the Let Women Speak event held on Tuesday 21… Read more: Women’s rights groups call on Tasmania government to conduct inquiry
- Regarding toilet facilities at schools and Drag Queen StorytimeBelow are emails between Women Speak Tasmania and the Department of Education, Children and Young People, with regards of Department policy on new unisex bathrooms at schools and Drag Queen storytime This exchange occurred between February and March 2023 Good afternoon, I am writing to request some information as to… Read more: Regarding toilet facilities at schools and Drag Queen Storytime
- ABC Radio Breakfast – Complaint to Fiona CameronDear Fiona, Thank you for your reply and I now have found the time to submit another complaint to you. My complaint concerns several matters. Firstly: Regarding ABC Radio Breakfast host Ryk Goddard’s Breakfast show on Tuesday 14th February at approx. 7.48am with regard to a Motion being put forward… Read more: ABC Radio Breakfast – Complaint to Fiona Cameron
- Correspondence to the ABC Ombudsman Fiona CameronBelow is a series of emails to Fiona Cameron, where WST comments about the ABC biased reporting on gender identity law reforms. Dear Fiona, Complaint: ABC Tasmania biased reportage on gender identity law reforms I am writing to you to further my complaint already sent to ABC Hobart Manager Marcus… Read more: Correspondence to the ABC Ombudsman Fiona Cameron
- Email to Marcus Cheek ABC Media WatchBelow is a series of emails sent by Women Speak Tasmania to Marcus Cheek, in our efforts to make him aware of bias reporting on the ABC Dear Marcus, I would like to draw your attention to the recent program on ABC Media Watch with Paul Barry criticising the ABC… Read more: Email to Marcus Cheek ABC Media Watch
- Correspondence with Children’s Commissioner Leanne McLeanWST member Isla MacGregor sent correspondence to Children’s Commissioner Leanne McLean Dear Leanne, I confirm receipt of your email yesterday in which you outlined your role as Commissioner for Children. I note you did not respond to the information I provided to you in my email of 18th August 2022… Read more: Correspondence with Children’s Commissioner Leanne McLean
- Email to Jenna Cairney5th October 2021 Dear Editor Jenna Cairney, We seek both corrections and an apology from Mercury journalist Kenji Sato for his factually incorrect, biased and possibly defamatory reporting in the article titled ‘Offensive’ anti-trans forum sparks outrage’ published in theMercury on 4 October 2021. The corrections required are – We… Read more: Email to Jenna Cairney
- An open letter to Hobart City Council aldermenBy Bronwyn Williams and Isla MacGregor Women Speak Tasmania is writing to you regarding the Salamanca Market Facebook posting on Sunday 10 February which stated, among other things, that … ‘The City of Hobart have been made aware of a group that were distributing anti-transgender materials yesterday at the Salamanca… Read more: An open letter to Hobart City Council aldermen