Below are emails between Women Speak Tasmania and the Department of Education, Children and Young People, with regards of Department policy on new unisex bathrooms at schools and Drag Queen storytime
This exchange occurred between February and March 2023
Good afternoon,
I am writing to request some information as to the design of school redevelopments with reference to the toilet facilities provided for students and staff. Could you provide answers to the following questions please?
Has the department commenced the introduction of uni-sex facilities for students? If so, which schools have been redeveloped to provide these facilities?
Does the department have a date by which the roll-out of updated facilities will be completed?
What is the configuration of the uni-sex facilities?
How have these facilities been well received by a) students b) teachers c) parents?
Have any concerns or problems with the use of these facilities been identified?
What consultation process has been/will be carried out with a) students b) teachers c) parents prior to the changeover to uni-sex toilets?
Was any consultation with the wider community completed before the changeover took place?
I would also like some information on the selection process used to choose children’s books for events at Libraries Tasmania and the process for approving events. This question relates to the recent Drag Queen Story Time Event which was held at Launceston Library.
This event was advertised as intended for 2 to 5 year olds and one of the books read at this event was “Frockodile” by Jeanne Willis. This book contains the idea that a child should keep a secret from their parents and also the concept that something a child might do could cause their parents not to love them or even to die of shock. The illustration shows the father lying dead on the ground. It could be asserted that these themes are unsuitable or indeed traumatizing for young children.
I have written to the Manager of Launceston Libraries, Garry Conroy-Cooper, to express my concerns and he replied with the following,
“All events hosted in Tasmanian Libraries are developed in accordance with the Department for Education, Children and Young People’s standard procedures and protocols for programs involving children. I am advised that the presenter will deliver age-appropriate material with no adult content, using a different character/persona to that used in their adult performances.”
I have the following questions regarding this event,
Would the department agree with Mr Conroy-Cooper that this book and event was in accordance with the DECYP procedures and protocols for programs involving children?
What is the process for vetting events in Libraries?
I look forward to receiving your reply,
Ellen Thorne
Reply from DECYP March 2023
Dear Ms Thorne, March 2, 2023 1.06 pm
Thank you for your email regarding school developments with reference to toilet facilities, and the process used by Libraries Tasmania to select children’s books for events. Please find following the responses (in italics) for the two areas raised.
School redevelopments with reference to the toilet facilities provided for
students and staff. Could you provide answers to the following questions
Thank you for your enquiry in relation to the roll out of the Safer Student Bathroom Program and the provision of unisex facilities.
The Department for Education, Children and Young People has commenced rolling out the $6.3 million Safer Student Bathroom Program which was announced in the Tasmanian Government’s 2021 election commitments. The program is delivering new bathroom facilities in district schools and high schools that improve visibility, reduce opportunity for student congregation and minimise the potential for bullying – and feature single stall cubicles that have hand washing and drying facilities built into the individual stall. Decisions about which new bathrooms are assigned based on gender or as unisex bathrooms are made by each school.
Works on the first seven sites to receive to student bathrooms are progressing well, with one site already completed and six further sites to be completed by the end of February 2023. These sites are Huonville High School, Glenora District School, King Island District School, Wynyard High School, Burnie High School, Sheffield District School, and Lilydale District School. The next tranche of schools to receive new student bathroom facilities will be communicated shortly. The roll out of the program is informed by detailed condition data on each site and each school is actively involved in identifying the bathrooms for upgrading.
Selection process used to choose children’s books for events at Libraries
Tasmania and the process for approving events. This question relates to the recent Drag Queen Story Time Event which was held at Launceston Library.
Thank you for your follow up questions regarding the recent Drag Queen Storytime event at Launceston Library.
All children’s books used for Rock & Rhyme and Story Time are from existing
children’s collections in the lending service of the Public Library Network. The range of stock is selected in accordance with Libraries Tasmania Collection Development Policy, Guidelines and Procedures.
The event was approved in accordance with the Department for Education, Children and Young People’s standard procedures and protocols for programs involving children as Mr Conroy-Cooper advised as well as Libraries Tasmania’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
Please contact me if I can provide any further assistance.
Kind regards,
Jodie Watson | Community Liaison Manager
Learning Services Northern Region | Services for Children and Young People
Department for Education, Children and Young People