Letter to federal Health Minister Mark Butler

WST wrote to the Federal Health Minister to campaign for an inquiry into Gender Clinics in Australia

Read our letter…

Dear Federal Health Minister Mark Butler,

We are a grassroots organization in Tasmania advocating for women’s sex based rights and pushing back against gender ideology.

Our latest campaign called upon the Tasmanian State Government to hold an inquiry into Tasmanian gender clinics. Please see attached the letter we received from Tasmanian Health Minister Hon Guy Barnett, in this letter we received a broader commitment from our Health Minister by way of his call for a Federal inquiry instead of a State inquiry.

We understand that you will be very concerned at the Cass Review evaluation of the Royal Children’s Hospital(RCH) Melbourne Australian Standards of Care,  as well as the World Professional Association of Trans Health (WPATH) SOC 8 guidelines. The Tasmanian Gender Service and many other gender services clinics and public hospitals around Australia use both the RCH and WPATH Guidelines. 

The Cass review rated these guidelines for rigour of development at a score 19/100 for RCH while WPATH was 35/100. The RCH scored 14/100 and WPATH 39/100 for editorial independence.

During a recent webinar hosted by Dr. Phillip Morris, President of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrist (NAPP), Dr. Cass explains how these guidelines copy and paste each other, Dr. Cass also mentioned a recent scandal in which WPath had commissioned systematic reviews from Johns Hopkins University, the reviews results were later suppressed because it showed low evidence into gender affirming care for minors. The webinar is freely available and you can find it here. Not freely available anymore

We can clearly observe that proper evidence based medical research has been compromised by the interest of lobby groups and unscrupulous medical associations bent on following their own agendas, in detriment of the children they claimed to treat. 

We continue our call for a National Inquiry into the workings of Gender Clinics around Australia, and an immediate ban on puberty blockers which will bring us in line with other nations such as Finland, Norway, Sweden, UK, Chile, Italy and the USA. (Austria and Switzerland are currently considering bans).

Warm Regards,

Dr. Elizabeth Caballero Pastor (retired GP)

Note: NAPP webinar is not freely available anymore but the interview with Dr. Cass can be listened by following the link
