Tag: gender ideology
Call for federal inquiry into kids gender therapy
More than 100 doctors, academics, lawyers, politicians and so-called ‘detransitioners’ are calling for the Albanese government to pause the use of puberty blockers for children in Australia. More than 100 doctors, academics, lawyers, politicians and so-called “detransitioners” are calling for the Albanese government to launch an immediate inquiry into youth gender medicine and to pause…
Dossier on Impacts of Tasmania Sex Self-ID laws on Women, Girls, Families and LGB people
PRESENTED TO TASMANIAN ATTORNEY GENERAL GUY BARNETT INTRODUCTION Women Speak Tasmania (WST) is a women led and woman centred grass roots advocacy body. We campaign for the sex based rights of women in Tasmania. WST believes that biological sex is binary and gives rise to meaningful distinctions between men and women. We are opposed to…
Letter to Attorney General Guy Barnett – Safe Toilets
Recently a member of the public wrote to Attorney General Guy Barnett to share her experience in a public toilet —————— Dear Attorney General, I believe you are currently looking into debate around different types of gender use in public situations. I am particularly interested to see your findings as I am a retired teacher…
Lawfare against Cr Louise Elliot enabled by bureaucrats
INCITING HATRED ACTION 1 Action Councillor Louise Elliot spoke at a Let Women Speak even at Parliament Lawns in February 2023. What Cr Elliot said is shown in the below post. Part of her speech included Cr Elliot saying that “transwomen are transwomen and remain biological men”. Lawfare The Anti-Discrimination Commissioner accepted a complaint that…
Gender Ideology indoctrination in Tasmanian Schools
Gender Ideology indoctrination is happening at Tasmanian schools, parents have sent screenshots of the material given to their children by the Department of Education, Children and Young People The first set of photos is from Rosny College, where young people are encourage to talk about the Gender Unicorn during their support group. Had this attached…
Gender ideology has been comprehensively beaten: three cheers for Terfs
It was in a stuffy room in the House of Lords in 2019 when the power of the trans lobby hit me for the first time. Campaigners Kellie-Jay and Venice Allan had pulled together lawyers, journalists, politicians, and NHS whistle-blowers to talk about what was yesterday finally acknowledged by Health Secretary Wes Streeting as a…
United Kingdom’s ban on puberty blockers for children is not a culture war but a safety matter
Yet again, Australia’s health ministers and officials have been warned about puberty blockers, the drugs given to minors who reject their birth sex and want the “wrong puberty” to be chemically suppressed. The typical response from our gender medicine lobby, and their social justice backers in politics, is that any scepticism about standards of evidence…
Impacts of Trans activism on the Human Rights of Women and Girls
Below is an interesting paper prepared by the Feminist Legal Clinic detailing the impacts trans activism had on women’ rights, safe spaces, participation on sports and the erasure of the lesbian community
Trans-Identified Male Hired by Australian Medical Association Sharing Self-Made BDSM Porn on Social Media
By Genevieve Gluck The Australian Medical Association (AMA) in Victoria has hired a “fetishistic” trans-identified male to act as a regulatory liaison officer for medical professionals. Brooke Collins, who publicly posts BDSM pornography on social media, wields influence over medical professionals and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, and in his role as a liasison,…
ACON given $7 million to produce non-gendered language cancer campaign
The Albanese government has given a seven-figure contract to a LGBTQ group which produced a cancer campaign targeting women, using non-gendered language such as “people with a cervix”. The federal government awarded a $7 million contract to a LGBTQ lobby group to produce a women’s cancer campaign using non-gendered language, despite the public health message…