- Health Minister Mark Butler congratulated on inquiry into gender medicine for childrenWomen Speak Tasmania congratulates the federal Health Minister Mark Butler on his decision to establish an inquiry into gender medicine guidelines for young people suffering gender distress. Mark Butler’s decision comes in the wake of the recent whistleblower allegations about the rogue Cairns Sexual Health Service that have prompted the… Read more: Health Minister Mark Butler congratulated on inquiry into gender medicine for children
- Call for federal inquiry into kids gender therapyMore than 100 doctors, academics, lawyers, politicians and so-called ‘detransitioners’ are calling for the Albanese government to pause the use of puberty blockers for children in Australia. More than 100 doctors, academics, lawyers, politicians and so-called “detransitioners” are calling for the Albanese government to launch an immediate inquiry into youth… Read more: Call for federal inquiry into kids gender therapy
- Queensland Government pauses access to puberty blockersQueensland has put a temporary hold on children accessing puberty blockers after concerns were raised over a young child accessing the service. Health minister Tim Nicholls confirmed an independent review into puberty blockers will be carried out after a 12-year-old was prescribe a puberty blocker by the Cairns Sexual Health… Read more: Queensland Government pauses access to puberty blockers
- Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma called on to follow Queensland Premier’s ban on puberty blockers and cross sex hormonesToday, Premier of Queensland, David Crisafulli announced that puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for minors with gender distress will be banned. Premier David Crisafulli’s actions following revelations that Cairns Sexual Health Service was providing puberty blockers to children as young as 12 years old without parental consent or any… Read more: Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma called on to follow Queensland Premier’s ban on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones
- Recommend: Gender Ideology, Social Contagion, and the Making of a Transgender GenerationThis unique, comprehensive book on the global child and adolescent transgender crisis highlights the fallacies of gender ideology and explains why social contagion is a major factor in the upsurge of young people wishing to transition. It underscores for the first time how social contagion also influences the many professions… Read more: Recommend: Gender Ideology, Social Contagion, and the Making of a Transgender Generation
- Gender ideology has been comprehensively beaten: three cheers for TerfsIt was in a stuffy room in the House of Lords in 2019 when the power of the trans lobby hit me for the first time. Campaigners Kellie-Jay and Venice Allan had pulled together lawyers, journalists, politicians, and NHS whistle-blowers to talk about what was yesterday finally acknowledged by Health… Read more: Gender ideology has been comprehensively beaten: three cheers for Terfs
- United Kingdom’s ban on puberty blockers for children is not a culture war but a safety matterYet again, Australia’s health ministers and officials have been warned about puberty blockers, the drugs given to minors who reject their birth sex and want the “wrong puberty” to be chemically suppressed. The typical response from our gender medicine lobby, and their social justice backers in politics, is that any… Read more: United Kingdom’s ban on puberty blockers for children is not a culture war but a safety matter
- Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma must conduct independent review into off label puberty blockersWomen Speak Tasmania are calling on the Minister for Health Jacquie Petrusma to conduct an independent review into the Tasmanian Gender Service use of off label puberty blockers for the treatment of gender dysphoria. WST’ call today comes on the back of the NZ Ministry of Health’s release this week… Read more: Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma must conduct independent review into off label puberty blockers
- Managing Gender Dysphoria in Young People – NAPP GuideGender dysphoria/incongruence in young people is a contested area of medical practice. The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) Guide avoids political, social, religious and ideological positions.
- Recommend : Gender Dysphoria In Children And Young People – Book by Dr Dianna T. KennyGender dysphoria in children and young people has become a significant health and welfare issue over the past 20 years as increasing numbers of young people declare themselves transgender and demand gender affirmation treatment, an experimental process involving social transition, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery. Sadly, the voices… Read more: Recommend : Gender Dysphoria In Children And Young People – Book by Dr Dianna T. Kenny
- Presentation and Interview with Dr Hillary CassYou might be wondering who Dr. Hilary Cass is and why her work has garnered significant attention. Dr. Hilary Cass was commissioned by the NHS in 2020 to conduct a review after a whistleblower raised concerns about the Gender Identity and Development Service (GIDS), the only specialist gender clinic for… Read more: Presentation and Interview with Dr Hillary Cass
- Puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise – reviewThere is no evidence of a large rise in suicides in young patients attending a gender identity clinic in London, an independent review has found. Professor Louis Appleby was asked by Health Secretary Wes Streeting to examine the data following claims made by campaigners of a rise in suicide rates since puberty-blocking… Read more: Puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise – review
- Letter to federal Health Minister Mark ButlerWST wrote to the Federal Health Minister to campaign for an inquiry into Gender Clinics in Australia Read our letter… Dear Federal Health Minister Mark Butler, We are a grassroots organization in Tasmania advocating for women’s sex based rights and pushing back against gender ideology. Our latest campaign called upon… Read more: Letter to federal Health Minister Mark Butler
- Calls On Federal Health Minister to Conduct Inquiry into Gender ClinicsFollowing on from Tasmania Health Minister Guy Barnett written request to Federal Health Minister Mark Butler to consider establishing a Commonwealth inquiry into gender clinics, WST have kept this momentum going by also writing to Health Minister Mark Butler. Spokesperson Dr Elizabeth Caballero Pastor said, ‘After our initial request sent… Read more: Calls On Federal Health Minister to Conduct Inquiry into Gender Clinics
- Tasmanian minister ‘prefers’ national inquiry into child gender clinicsA senior state cabinet member has written to the federal government asking for it to consider staging a national review into public medical services for children experiencing gender dysphoria. Health Minister Guy Barnett confirmed he wrote to his federal counterpart, Mark Butler, this week, requesting that he consider a review… Read more: Tasmanian minister ‘prefers’ national inquiry into child gender clinics
- Calls for Commonwealth Inquiry into Gender ClinicsIn response to WST correspondence with Health Minister Guy Barnett, we are pleased that the Tasmanian Liberal Government is the first Government in Australia to back a Commonwealth inquiry into gender clinics and their guidelines in response to release of England’s groundbreaking Cass Review. Spokesperson Dr Elizabeth Caballero Pastor said,… Read more: Calls for Commonwealth Inquiry into Gender Clinics
- Inquiring mindTasmania’s Liberal government has become the first Australian administration to recommend a national review of public gender services for minors. The island state’s Health Minister, Guy Barnett, who is also Attorney-General, said he had written to his federal counterpart—Australia’s Labor Party Health Minister, Mark Butler—to ask him to consider the… Read more: Inquiring mind
- Banned drug leuprorelin acetate still being prescribed in Tasmania.The drug leuprorelin acetate, now banned in the UK from use as a puberty blocker, is still being prescribed by the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS). Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Italy have also implemented bans on the use of puberty blockers for under 18’s because of risks to patient safety. The… Read more: Banned drug leuprorelin acetate still being prescribed in Tasmania.
- iHeart Tassie – The Tasmanian Gender serviceMay 17, 2014 This week on iHeart Tassie, John Fabris discusses the work of the Tasmanian gender Service in transitioning children Interview with Isla MacGregor Episode Transcript Speaker 1 (00:01):I heart it. Hello, this is John Fabris. A topic today bound to draw intense emotional responses the active participation of… Read more: iHeart Tassie – The Tasmanian Gender service
- Puberty Blockers given off label at Tasmanian Gender ServiceInformation obtained under Right to Information on the Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) confirms the need for the Health Minister Guy Barnett to conduct an urgent Inquiry into the TGS: standards of care, transparency of the agency and use of off label Puberty Blockers. Women Speak Tasmania have forwarded the RTI… Read more: Puberty Blockers given off label at Tasmanian Gender Service
- Letters to Tasmania Health Minister Guy BarnettWST members campaigned for the safeguarding of children and the banning of Puberty blockers in children. We also request a proper inquiry into Tasmania Gender clinics Below are our correspondence 05th May 2024 Dear Health Minister Guy Barnett, I am writing in regards to the RTI Documents and Cass Report… Read more: Letters to Tasmania Health Minister Guy Barnett
- Right to Information Decision – Tasmania Gender ClinicsPlease follow the link to download Information about Leuprolide https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551662/#:~:text=Leuprolide%20is%20an%20FDA%2Dapproved,children%2C%20and%20advanced%20prostate%20cancer
- Landmark British report offers insights for Tasmania’s transgender debateA tectonic shift is taking place overseas in the debate over how to treat children that question their gender identity, and there are plenty of lessons to be learned in Tasmania. The UK government commissioned a review into the treatment of gender-diverse children back in 2020, and its full report… Read more: Landmark British report offers insights for Tasmania’s transgender debate
- Call on Health Minister to defer debate on Conversion Bill and back push for National InquiryWomen Speak Tasmania (WST) have called on the Health Minister Guy Barnett to defer debate on The Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 and back the call from Dr Philip Morris, President of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) for an independent investigation into treatments being used for vulnerable children struggling… Read more: Call on Health Minister to defer debate on Conversion Bill and back push for National Inquiry
- Cass Review – Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young PeoplePlease follow the link to download The Cass Review Final Report
- Puberty Suppression for Pediatric Gender Dysphoria and the Child’s Right to an Open FutureRight to “Open future” is most consistent with letting children become adults before proceeding with gender transition, conclude study authors A new peer-reviewed article published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior examines the clinical and ethical implications of puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria through the lens of “the child’s right… Read more: Puberty Suppression for Pediatric Gender Dysphoria and the Child’s Right to an Open Future
- Chronology of Burnie Library Forum cancellationBelow are the details to our cancelled forum at the Burnie Library on the 21st March 2024, which was about the latest details coming from Europe in relation to the use of puberty blockers and gender affirming care in children and young people and detailed information from the UK government CASS Review … Read more: Chronology of Burnie Library Forum cancellation
- Forum: Puberty Blockers – The 21st Century global medical scandalWomen Speak Tasmania members organised a Forum in Burnie Library to warn parents of the risks of the use of puberty blockers in gender medicine. But the library cancelled WST’s booking on Monday morning, saying that the content of the forum did not meet the library’s policy on supporting diversity… Read more: Forum: Puberty Blockers – The 21st Century global medical scandal
- Puberty blocker and insurance bans are red flags for Premier Rockcliff on trans health careRecent bans and restrictions on the use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for treatment of gender dysphoria in minors in numerous European countries, along with changes to insurance cover for doctors in Australia, is a wake up call to Premier Rockcliff over trans child health care. Spokeswoman Isla… Read more: Puberty blocker and insurance bans are red flags for Premier Rockcliff on trans health care
- Stop the social and medical transition of vulnerable childrenWomen Speak Tasmania and LGB Tasmania members kicked off an awareness raising campaign “Let Kids be Kids” Currently in this era of ‘gender affirmation’, schools are taking an active role in socially transitioning children with gender dysphoria, by encouraging the changing of names, pronouns, uniform and allowing them to enter… Read more: Stop the social and medical transition of vulnerable children
- An Open Letter to Australia’s DoctorsDear Doctor, In Australia, we have a clear template of the standard referral pathway. General practitioners refer to specialists, who refer to sub-specialists. Whenever we feel we need a more specialised opinion than our own we refer the patient to a colleague along this pathway. We can often choose to… Read more: An Open Letter to Australia’s Doctors
- Psychiatrists take a cautious turn on youth gender clinicsPsychiatrists have been alerted to the ethical and legal risks of medicalised gender change for young people and the lack of good evidence on whether it helps or harms. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has adopted a new, more cautious policy towards the “gender affirming” treatment… Read more: Psychiatrists take a cautious turn on youth gender clinics
- When Children Say They’re TransHormones? Surgery? The choices are fraught—and there are no easy answers. By Jesse Singal Claire is a 14-year-old girl with short auburn hair and a broad smile. She lives outside Philadelphia with her mother and father, both professional scientists. Claire can come across as an introvert, but she quickly opens up, and… Read more: When Children Say They’re Trans