Stop the social and medical transition of vulnerable children

Women Speak Tasmania and LGB Tasmania members kicked off an awareness raising campaign “Let Kids be Kids”

LGB Tasmania and WST in Hobart

Currently in this era of ‘gender affirmation’, schools are taking an active role in socially transitioning children with gender dysphoria, by encouraging the changing of names, pronouns, uniform and allowing them to enter single sex spaces and sports of the opposite sex. This is called ‘social transitioning’.

Jessica Hoyle from LGB Tasmania said “growing up gay can be confusing, and we know that teens who are gender non-conforming are much more likely to grow up to be happy lesbian and gay adults. We need to stop pushing dangerous puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Puberty is not a disease.

The “Let Kids be Kids ” campaign aims to highlight the potential impacts of this process being conducted without parents knowledge or involvement. LGB Tasmania, along with parents community; In Defence of Children aim to provide education and resources to schools, parents and the larger public to inform of the harms of social and medical transitioning of children

“We need to stop transitioning gay and lesbian children. Let kids be kids. Stop the transitioning of autistic children and stop the transitioning of children with complex mental health problem. Just let kids be kids” Jessica Hoyle.

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