June 09, 2024
Throughout Australia, schools are creating ‘Queer Clubs’ to push LGBTQA ideas. One school in Victoria has a ‘Queer Club’ for 8-12 year olds. While cult-infected State Departments of Education seemingly don’t care what the majority of parents think, the pushback has well and truly begun. Phil talks to Celine Against the Machine and Maya Tesa about eSafety, censorship, and the parents walking away from public education.
Ep 41 Mini: Schools, Pride & the end of Sanity
The YouTube version of this episode can be found by going to YouTube and entering youtu.be/BHqg0AC6OP0
(00:00) Intro music by Stunts: https://www.stuntsmusic.com/
(00:04) Introduction by host – Phil Dye
(00:55) Chat with Celine Against the Machine. https://www.youtube.com/@CelineagainstTheMachine
(05:53) Declaration of Biological Truth Australia promotion. https://declarationofbiologicaltruth.au/
(06:27) Chat with Maya Tesa. https://mayatesa.com/
(15:14) Round up by Henry (AI)
To donate to Phil Dye:
Episode transcript
Well, hello everyone and welcome to episode 41 of Marking the Roll, cross-stacked via sub-stack to filtered, the podcast. Now, I know I said episode 40 would be my last, but as anyone who has had chemo and radiation knows, there’s one day of the week, or maybe two, where they pump you full of steroids and…
And suddenly everything works again for about 48 hours. So I thought I’d take advantage of this window. Now this mini-ep, it’s under 15 minutes, it’s called Schools, Pride and the End of Sanity. It’s about the e-safety commissioner. A lot about her, school queer clubs and how parents are regaining control.
And I managed to speak firstly to Celine against the machines. Celine, welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Lovely to be here. Now, for transparency, I’ve got to say that Celine and I are both on the Committee of the Declaration of Biological Truth Australia. So we have something in common. But Celine, how would you describe yourself, Celine?
I would describe myself as mostly just a big believer in common sense, to be honest. But to give a little bit of a background, I’m 28 years old. I live in Sydney, Australia. And I’m a content creator for Gays Against Groomers. I’m also a member of the Women’s Rights Network and Guardians Australia.
And I’m a huge advocate for free speech. I love this country. I love Australia. And I’m very passionate about upholding traditional family values. I’m definitely a patriot.
Okay. So what did you discover recently that caused a stir for the eSafety Commissioner?
Well, it was brought to my attention by a follower of mine that a primary school in Melbourne was running its own queer club. So I decided to look into it a little bit. And a quick Google search revealed that, yes, in May of 2023, there was a queer club started at Montmorency Public School.
So that’s Montmorency South Public School.
Yes, correct. For students in years three to six. And for anyone listening overseas, that means children eight to 12 years old. So very, very young. So immediately the alarm bells started going off because, I mean, they’re children. And I’m of the belief that children are not sexual beings and therefore a special club isn’t really needed.
One of the missions at Gays Against Groomers is to put an end to the indoctrination of children in the name of gay rights. So exposing this club was very, very on brand for the org. So what I did was I whipped a little video together with a screenshot of the newsletter, which was publicly available,
and also a few screenshots of the teacher who was facilitating it. And if anyone’s seen the video, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this woman’s allegiances lie. And yeah, just pretty much wanted to get the word out about the club and things like that are happening in Australia. It’s not just the US and Canada.
we’re very much down the gender ideology wormhole in Australia too. So I really just wanted to shed some light on that.
Yeah, look, most certainly. I managed to download a timetable of clubs at that school, which is Montmorency South Public School. And their timetable of events lists the Queer Club, the Queer Club for years three to six. So there must be quite a few kids going to this LGBTQA plus club. And it makes you wonder because…
Even if they’re talking about identity, LGB is sexual attraction, and they’re talking about sexual attraction with 8 to 12-year-olds.
Correct. Yeah, it’s deplorable.
And so the eSafety Commissioner took a little bit of umbrage with this, did they?
She did, she did. So the eSafety Commissioner put in a takedown notice to X, basically demanding that the video be censored from Australian users, but it would still be available to those overseas or those with a VPN. Okay. So I thought it was quite fitting considering the entire point of the video was to
spread what was already public information, but mostly, most importantly, to raise alarms about what’s going on in Australian schools. So I think it’s important to also highlight a little bit that X are kind of just doing their job as they have to follow the laws of each separate country.
X have given me the option to appeal their decision to censor the post. So with the help of the Free Speech Union Australia, I do plan to appeal. So I’ll hopefully have an update on that very soon.
Okay, but everything you said and everything that was in your video was publicly available anyway. Is that right?
100% everything I shared in that video was publicly accessible and the newsletter is still up to this day. So literally anyone can go and read it. I do believe the teacher has now made her teaching account on Instagram private, but it was very public when I made the video.
So if you’re watching this or listening to this on YouTube, we’ve got the videos there and the timetables and you can have a look and I think there’s pictures of the teacher too from Montmorency South Public School. The video link will be in the episode notes. With the eSafety Commissioner,
do you have any pushback against that directly to them or do you just rely on what Twitter, on what X does?
Well, I suppose the correspondence will be with the help of the Free Speech Union, but it would be appealing X. But it’s very odd, you see, because apparently when X does this kind of thing, whether they censor a video or take it down, there’s meant to be some kind of attachment from the eSafety Commissioner with a
withdrawal notice, some kind of notice. And there was nothing like that in my email, which was very interesting, which means they’ve just gone ahead and censored it. without telling me what law I’ve allegedly broken. And I have no idea what the request from the eSafety Commissioner actually looks like.
It’s time to stop gender radicals telling your children they could be born in the wrong body. It’s time to stop third-party businesses teaching your children about transgender ideas, bestiality, and being queer. If you’re a teacher, parent, or anyone concerned about these things, please put your name to the Declaration of Biological Truth Australia.
It’s safe, easy, free, and you can sign privately so your name won’t show. Nearly 2000 parents, teachers, doctors, and concerned Australians have already signed. Just search for Declaration of Biological Truth Australia.
On this topic, we also managed to speak to Mayor Tessa, who will be contesting the Upper House seat for North East Metro in Victoria coming the next state election. Is that right, Mayor?
That’s absolutely right, Phil. Thank you.
Okay. And why we’re talking to Mayor is that Mayor had a child or a couple of kids perhaps at that school. And she’s going to tell us the story. Just how did things go?
So I had two children attending that school at the time. They’d been there for a number of years. And we had a fantastic principal at the time. She was really community orientated, really brought the school together. The school has been slowly growing in reputation and became zoned because it became so popular.
and unfortunately she had to retire and we received a new principal who was the complete opposite to what the community was used to and the school welcomed her with open arms and she didn’t welcome the parents at all. We straight away started feeling the differences. There was less communication between parents and the school and it became very,
very clicky as in with the parent associations and the groups. So when this little notice and it was just a very small notice in the newsletter not a lot of parents were aware of it but because I’d run in the election the parents that did see it and that were concerned contacted me
knowing that it was a very touchy subject and they didn’t want to be labelled as anti-anything, and asked me to represent them.
And there wasn’t any parental consultation on this queer club?
None at all. None at all. What we did discover later on through communications is she had actually spoken to some of the parent leaders of the classrooms and mentioned it to them, but hadn’t actually mentioned it to the parents in the general consensus, hadn’t done it at all, any consultation outside of that.
Do you think there was a lobby group of parents who were also pushing for this?
Absolutely. Absolutely.
I suspected that too. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, we ended up getting, like, screenshots of WhatsApp groups, you know, talking about myself in particular as to how,
you know,
one parent is really pushing this anti-trans and she’s anti-LGBT and she’s anti-this and she’s anti-that and, you know, all the right-wing nutjob stuff that they love to throw at us as soon as we try to challenge them. That’s it. So there was definitely a cohort. Yeah.
Yeah. So there would be a group of activist parents and a group not representing the entire parent body.
Absolutely. Absolutely. We had a couple of ways to try and handle this. So the first thing that we did, having had run in previous elections, I had quite a few numbers to a lot of different ministers and we tried to contact them and there was nothing. It was crickets. Wow.
Wouldn’t even answer calls, wouldn’t respond to text messages, nothing. And one of the text messages I sent was, please, please, this is so important. I really need your help and nothing.
Oh, well, this is Labor ministers in Victoria, I guess, and they’re pretty much besotted with trans ideology.
Well, unfortunately, it was the Liberal ones as well. Nothing. Oh, Liberals are just Labor-like these days. Yeah, well, there’s no opposition in Victoria, especially with Pasuto at the helm, but I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere with the Labor ones, so we went to the Liberal ones. Yeah, nothing at all, unfortunately.
And was there any other media coverage? Like, did The Age get onto it or did The Herald Sun give you a call? Because you would think that this is an issue of public interest that mainstream media should cover.
Well, the relationship down here in Victoria between the media and the government are very, very close-knit. And so they’re not going to do anything that’s going to speak against the government agenda down here. And for us ourselves as well, when I took this on, I didn’t want to put parents off.
I didn’t want them to think that they were joining something that was going to be ostracised. So I really thought let’s do this as a community and making sure that we focused on the topic at hand and nothing else, not our feelings, not our thoughts, not what we believed in.
It came back down to the single issue of the children, the education and the policies.
So what happened with the parents? Was there many of them who left the school?
I had one parent that was in absolute tears and she actually was like, I can’t handle this, especially when the principal put the answer, answered back to us in a public forum through the newsletter. Like the pressure that they were feeling was incredible and went actively looking for another school. We held on to the very last minute.
We thought we, you know, want to make sure that we have every opportunity to stay in the school. The kids had friends there and the rest of it. By the end of it, we moved with about 16 families, I believe.
16 families. And that would be about 25, 30 kids, do you think? Kids.
Yes, and that was actively throughout, you know, that was the middle of the year. So it was a big thing for a lot of families to move at that time. I know for the school that we moved to, we took five families with us. alone just to that school.
And what’s the status of Montmorency South Public School now, do you know?
Well, considering it was one of the most highly regarded schools in the area, highly requested, zoned and limited, this year they’re struggling to get two prep classes. So actively parents are moving with their feet. And we’ve done that through continuous community awareness. I put out those letters publicly so parents then knew, hold on a second,
this isn’t because people are anti or we’re trying to stop anything or we’re infringing on people’s rights. This was strictly… principal is going to treat parents that way how will she treat the children once they’re in her care yeah 100 and and that’s how we’ve gone about it um and that
school is really struggling whereas the independent schools in the area have seen numbers increase dramatically dramatically
Well, that’s a very interesting story and I think it would be duplicated around the country because there’s many other schools doing similar things.
I know of five other schools in Victoria because parents did reach out to me after I posted that last year to say, how do I handle it?
Feel free to name them.
I know there’s one in Bendigo. I know there’s one in a town called Nool. I know there’s one down the peninsula way. The greatest activism you can do is speaking to parents in a kind manner, in a manner that makes them aware. If you approach someone who is new to this subject, who is shocked by this subject,
if you approach them with the same mind frame and conviction of, we know all this and this is how it’s going to do, da-da-da, it puts them, it scares them.
You’re 100% right. And of course, a new family moving into the area want to make friends and they don’t want to be seen as, oh, anti this and anti that.
And the other thing that if you want to fight it on, what they are doing is excluding our children. And it’s exclusionary bullying.
Well, what do you mean by excluding them, excluding the kids?
The queer club itself was open to anyone who was an ally. And if children didn’t attend it, they weren’t seen as an ally anymore.
And if you’re not an ally, you’re an enemy, aren’t you?
You’ve essentially labelled that child. So by trying to bring in these inclusionary clubs, you’re essentially excluding children who don’t believe it, don’t want to participate, don’t feel comfortable with it, or families are saying absolutely no.
That is an excellent point.
And that’s what we have to fight on. These inclusion clubs are exclusion clubs. Primary school children do not have a sexual orientation.
We’re going to leave it there, Maya and Celine. This has been a great conversation. I’ve been talking with Maya Tessa from Victoria and Celine against the machine, and you’re going to hear a lot more from Celine. Thanks very much for joining.
Thank you, Phil. No worries, mate. Take care.
I’m Henry, an AI voice standing in for Phil Dye who hopes to be heard again soon. Please subscribe for free or donate by going to markingtherole.substack.com. Oh, and if you’re an Aussie, please sign the Declaration of Biological Truth Australia. It’s important. See ya later.