Tag: book
Recommend: Gender Ideology, Social Contagion, and the Making of a Transgender Generation
This unique, comprehensive book on the global child and adolescent transgender crisis highlights the fallacies of gender ideology and explains why social contagion is a major factor in the upsurge of young people wishing to transition. It underscores for the first time how social contagion also influences the many professions involved in treatment of gender…
Recommend : Gender Dysphoria In Children And Young People – Book by Dr Dianna T. Kenny
Gender dysphoria in children and young people has become a significant health and welfare issue over the past 20 years as increasing numbers of young people declare themselves transgender and demand gender affirmation treatment, an experimental process involving social transition, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery. Sadly, the voices of gender identity politics and…
Sex industry lobby group disrupts Survivor book launch
By Isla MacGregor On Sunday 21 August, sex trade advocates tried to derail the launch, in Townsville, Queensland, of Prostitution Narratives, a recently published compilation of sex trade survivor testimonies. The tactics used by the pro sex trade lobby are becoming increasingly nasty, especially since the release of damning stories of violence in the Australian sex…