Tag: sex trade
The Amnesty Dossier
By Isla MacGregor All you need to know about the corrupted process that led to Amnesty International branch stacking meetings and writing biased reports to fast track the Amnesty Full Decriminalisation of Prostitution Policy for the benefit of pimps and sex buyers and to further entrench violence to women in prostitution.
Outrage over Oxfam investigations into paedophiles, sexual misconduct …
By Isla MacGregor Yesterday’s news about NGO Oxfam’s 2011 internal investigation into allegations against some staff over sexual abuse, harassment and illegal use of prostitutes revealed a totally abhorrent culture within some elements of the world-renowned aid organisation. Several staff members who worked with Oxfam in Chad and Haiti between 2006 and 2010 have been…
Funding cuts to Scarlet Alliance: Michael Keenan gets it right …
By Isla MacGregor I can only congratulate Justice Minister Michael Keenan for not allocating funding to the Scarlet Alliance in the 2017/18 round of funding to NGOs for combating sex trafficking and slavery in Australia. In February, March and April this year I was a co-signatory of a group of concerned womens’ human rights campaigners…
Amnesty International’s capitulation to women’s increasing poverty and subordination to men
By Isla MacGregor “We need to eroticise equality. Prostitution is about buying a body, not mutual pleasure and free choice”, says Gloria Steinem … “The end of prostitution might be a distant ideal, but it is still far better than Amnesty’s grubby collusion with misogyny.” – Julie Bindel Simone Watson, a Survivor of prostitution recalls…
It’s bad news from New Zealand’s Survivors …
By Isla MacGregor First published April 27 Survivors from the sex trade in New Zealand are speaking out about the tragic failure of decriminalisation aimed at preventing harms to prostituted women and girls from sex buyers and pimps but here in Tasmania Young Labor and many in the Union movement don’t want to hear their…
Thomas Kent and the Sex Party propaganda machine …
By Isla MacGregor Thomas Kent, in recent comments on an article in Overland journal Sex work and silence by Celeste Elizabeth, member of the Women’s Legal Service Board and self proclaimed delinquent, has outed himself as the propagandist for the Sex Party in Australia he is. While Sex trade apologists Elizabeth and Kent continue to…
Young Labor Didn’t Do its Homework
By Isla MacGregor Tasmanian Labor’s agenda for its conference in Queenstown this weekend has promised an opportunity for ‘robust and spirited debate’. While the decriminalisation of brothels and the legalisation of some illicit drugs are being proposed by two separate branches of the party, the coupling of both proposals is difficult to avoid. A more…
The reluctance of Tasmanian authorities …
By Isla MacGregor Consultation Session with Michel Forst, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders – Civil Society Activists, Saturday 8 October 2016 Representatives of the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) Southern Tasmania, Nordic Model Australia Coalition (NorMAC) and Whistleblowers Tasmania attended the civil society activists consultation session in Hobart. M. Forst is visiting Australia…
Sex industry lobby group disrupts Survivor book launch
By Isla MacGregor On Sunday 21 August, sex trade advocates tried to derail the launch, in Townsville, Queensland, of Prostitution Narratives, a recently published compilation of sex trade survivor testimonies. The tactics used by the pro sex trade lobby are becoming increasingly nasty, especially since the release of damning stories of violence in the Australian sex…
Melbourne Writers’ Festival Panel Dispute Exposes Anti-Survivor Agenda
By Isla MacGregor In the spirit of the popular ‘sex workers are under-represented’ stance, repeated by liberal media and prostitution advocates, ad-nauseum, Daily Life has published yet another article repeating the myth. The author, Kate Iselin, aside from being a self-described “sex worker” and published writer, is also “furious.” This time, the article targets the…