Statistics Show That HALF of Trans-Identified Men in Prison Are Sex Offenders

Eva Kurilova’s excellent article detailing prison data from different countries, including Australia. The justice system has fail vulnerable women by allowing men who identify as women to enter female prisons.

Many Western countries are transferring men into women’s prisons and calling this violation of women’s human rights “progress.” Eva wrote.

Fair Go for Queensland Women reported that, as of June 30, 2023, there were 65 trans-identified men in the Queensland male prison estate. Of that number, 55% were held on the most serious charges of sexual or violent offenses (compared to 48% for males and 35% for females).

When considering aggravated sexual assault on its own, the numbers were 23.1% for trans-identified men compared to 12.81% for the general male prison population—almost double.

When looking at statistics gathered over many years from different countries, a certain picture about trans-identified male prisoners begins to emerge: about half of them are in prison for sexual offenses. This rate is about three times higher than it is for the general male prison population

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