Freedom of speech IS a responsibility

Ben Seeder (Examiner March 31) has successfully covered an issue that all too often is not reported by Tasmanian media.

After all, journalism is about having the tenacity and courage to report fairly and impartially in the public interest, even when political lobby groups, political or corporate bodies may become legally exposed or offended by such reportage.

At a time when issues concerning the impacts on children and women of these gender laws are increasingly being reported by medical/ legal journals and human rights bodies, it behoves Tasmanian media to follow Ben Seeder’s example, and to pick up their game accordingly.

At the heart of the debate over freedom of speech and gender ideology, is the responsibility of the citizen to exercise their speech especially when they observe conflicts over rights that directly impact them.

The suggestion that speech can cause harm in the context of the gender debate is intended to have a chilling effect on the debate occurring at all.
In the case of the gender debate, Equality Tasmania has attempted to curtail debate on these issues by suggesting opponents are: using the anti-trans playbook; inciting hate; causing harm; segregating or stopping trans people from existing.

Now, these are serious allegations that really need to be backed up with some facts.

The resulting conflict over rights being experienced across the community needs to be publicly aired and debated without fear of intimidation or being slurred as ‘anti trans’.

Disappointingly, Equality Tasmania refused a request to publicly condemn the violence and horrific abuse by trans rights activists against people who came to hear Kelly-Jay Minshull and other brave Tasmanian women speak last year in Hobart.

The community needs to trust our media and that they will not shy away from covering medical controversies, such as the increasing number of countries that have banned puberty blockers, controversies that are now being described as a growing global medical scandal.

It is very disappointing that Equality Tasmania are attempting to shut this discussion down by now attempting to discredit a highly regarded journalist such as Ben Seeder.

Isla MacGregor

Letter to the Examiner