By Bronwyn Williams and Isla MacGregor – Women Speak Tasmania
Women Speak Tasmania is hearing from many women across Tasmania who are outraged at Labor and the Greens attempt to fast track changes to birth certificates at the behest of Transforming Tasmania.
Never before has the community witnessed such unashamed fast tracking of legislation, with trans rights activists insisting the matter was broadly discussed, with no concerns raised, following a pseudo-consultation conducted by the former Anti-discrimination Commissioner, Robin Banks, in early 2106.
Anyone searching online for a report on this consultation, or any submissions received, will be searching in vain. There’s an Options Paper to guide the consultation, but nothing more.
One local group, the Women’s Liberation Front Tasmania (WoLF), sent a submission in response to the Options Paper, and a representative of the group met personally with Ms Banks.
This meeting led to a formal complaint to the Attorney-General alleging bullying and inappropriate conduct on the part of Ms Banks.
It is time Labor and Greens listened to the public outcry over their proposals.
They should pass the legislation needed to bring Tasmanian law into line with the Commonwealth Marriage Act without delay.
Labor and the Greens also need to be upfront about the detail of their proposed changes to the law regulating birth certificates in our state.
They should support the Government’s referral of the matter to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute for proper community consultation. In particular, they need to pay attention to the potential impact of the changes on the rights of women and girls.
Source: Tasmanian Times