Tag: Nordic model
It’s bad news from New Zealand’s Survivors …
By Isla MacGregor First published April 27 Survivors from the sex trade in New Zealand are speaking out about the tragic failure of decriminalisation aimed at preventing harms to prostituted women and girls from sex buyers and pimps but here in Tasmania Young Labor and many in the Union movement don’t want to hear their…
Thomas Kent and the Sex Party propaganda machine …
By Isla MacGregor Thomas Kent, in recent comments on an article in Overland journal Sex work and silence by Celeste Elizabeth, member of the Women’s Legal Service Board and self proclaimed delinquent, has outed himself as the propagandist for the Sex Party in Australia he is. While Sex trade apologists Elizabeth and Kent continue to…
The reluctance of Tasmanian authorities …
By Isla MacGregor Consultation Session with Michel Forst, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders – Civil Society Activists, Saturday 8 October 2016 Representatives of the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) Southern Tasmania, Nordic Model Australia Coalition (NorMAC) and Whistleblowers Tasmania attended the civil society activists consultation session in Hobart. M. Forst is visiting Australia…
Melbourne Writers’ Festival Panel Dispute Exposes Anti-Survivor Agenda
By Isla MacGregor In the spirit of the popular ‘sex workers are under-represented’ stance, repeated by liberal media and prostitution advocates, ad-nauseum, Daily Life has published yet another article repeating the myth. The author, Kate Iselin, aside from being a self-described “sex worker” and published writer, is also “furious.” This time, the article targets the…
Prostitution – the global humanitarian disaster of the 21C
By Isla MacGregor Amnesty International’s Sex Trade Policy – Rights for Whom? Talk by Isla MacGregor Parliament House, Hobart, Tasmania Introduction Thank you, Simone, for speaking of the harms of the global sex trade with such clarity. I hope I can add something to the debate by discussing Amnesty International’s recent policy announcement on what…
Opinion: A reality check on sex work
By Isla MacGregor Recent articles have argued for and against decriminalization of prostitution. It’s an emotive subject, likely to raise strong commentary, so let’s try and see this argument against some indisputable facts. One: the entire weight of mankind’s experience in all civilised societies round the world has always centred on a stable family (or tribe)…
Why France Is Adopting A New Law That Criminalizes The Clients, Not Prostitutes
On April 6, 2016, France adopted a new law in the country’s fight against prostitution ( HERE ), inspired by the so-called “Nordic Model” — a model which seems to be frequently condemned, little understood and often mocked. We would, therefore, like to help clarify the ins and outs of this new law for you. The French…
Amnesty International condemned over fast-tracking of sex laws policy
By Isla MacGregor Human Rights and Women’s groups along with Survivors have been outraged over the continued attempt by Amnesty International to rail road through their policy on prostitution after being exposed for failing to properly consult with their international membership base and stakeholders. The proposed Amnesty International International Council policy calling for the decriminalisation…
Scarlett Alliance Fails in Bid to Gag Professor
Preamble by Isla MacGregor While Women Speak Tasmania only officially started in 2018, members previously had primarily worked on issues concerning sexual exploitation and the global sex trade with the Nordic Model Australia Coalition (NORMAC). In June 2012 Prof Sheila Jeffreys came to Hobart to lobby Ministers and give public talks. Former Scarlet Alliance member Jade…