Tag: ABC
It’s time to re-evaluate the ABC’s ties with ACON
in Media BiasA non-partisan coalition of feminist and LGB groups has written to Kim Williams, ABC Chair, to express our concerns about the ABC’s relationship with the advocacy group ACON. We are especially concerned that the ABC’s membership of ACON/Pride in Diversity and its participation in ACON’s Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) compromises the ABC’s independence and undermines the…
Rebuttal to Four Corners, BLOCKED: The battle over youth gender care
Dianna T Kenny PhD On 10 July the ABC Four Corners presented a program entitled, “BLOCKED”2 about gender dysphoria and its treatment in young people. I was so concerned by the coverage that I felt it incumbent upon me to provide a more balanced account of the current state of research in the care of gender…
Correspondence to the ABC Ombudsman Fiona Cameron
Below is a series of emails to Fiona Cameron, where WST comments about the ABC biased reporting on gender identity law reforms. Dear Fiona, Complaint: ABC Tasmania biased reportage on gender identity law reforms I am writing to you to further my complaint already sent to ABC Hobart Manager Marcus Cheek and what I consider…
‘Don’t call predators pedophiles’ ABC tells reporters in leaked email
in NewsABC reporters in Tasmania have been told to “avoid” referring to child sex abusers as pedophiles, to avoid marginalising people with pedophilia. An email sent to all news staff this week advises against the use of the term “pedophile”, even to describe those who have serially abused children over many years. The edict followed a…