Category: NAPP
Health Minister Jacquie Petrusma must conduct independent review into off label puberty blockers
Women Speak Tasmania are calling on the Minister for Health Jacquie Petrusma to conduct an independent review into the Tasmanian Gender Service use of off label puberty blockers for the treatment of gender dysphoria. WST’ call today comes on the back of the NZ Ministry of Health’s release this week of their review into puberty…
Managing Gender Dysphoria in Young People – NAPP Guide
Gender dysphoria/incongruence in young people is a contested area of medical practice. The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) Guide avoids political, social, religious and ideological positions.
Presentation and Interview with Dr Hillary Cass
You might be wondering who Dr. Hilary Cass is and why her work has garnered significant attention. Dr. Hilary Cass was commissioned by the NHS in 2020 to conduct a review after a whistleblower raised concerns about the Gender Identity and Development Service (GIDS), the only specialist gender clinic for young people in England and…
NAPP President Dr Philip Morris AM talks on Radio 4CRB about gender dysphoria in young people & the new Dr Hilary Cass Report on this topic from the UK.
NAPP President Dr Philip Morris AM talks on Radio 4CRB about gender dysphoria in young people and the new Dr Hilary Cass Report on this topic from the UK. Click the link below
Anthony Albanese under pressure to probe puberty blocker harms
Anthony Albanese is being urged to replicate a landmark British review into interventionist medical treatments that enable young children to change gender, amid increasing concern that puberty blockers may cause serious harm. The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists has urged the federal government to facilitate a national independent investigation into the use of treatments including puberty blockers…