Dear Member of the Tasmanian Parliament,
I am writing to invite you to attend a forum on the contentious changes to Tasmanian law being proposed by the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute on the issue of so-called ‘conversion therapy’. The forum will offer testimony from those who have been negatively impacted by similar laws along with experts who will show the great danger such laws pose to best practice care and freedom of speech. You will personally get to hear from people who have not had the opportunity to be heard in this very contentious and serious debate in Tasmania.
Location: Tasmanian Parliament House Reception Room
Forum: Conversion therapy laws – risks and harms?
Date: 23 November 2022 Time: 6:00pm for 6:30pm.
Refreshments will be provided.
RSVP to Isla MacGregor
Please RSVP by Friday 18 November 2022. RSVPS are essential (as the number of attendees are needed for catering purposes).
Across Australia, parents with children who have been fast tracked through medical transitioning, have lost their parental rights and been attacked, villified and silenced. Many health and legal professionals have been threatened from speaking out about their concerns about the affirmation approach to the treatment of minors with gender dysphoria.
The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s Conversion Practices Final Report No 32, failed to take into account significant medico-legal developments in other jurisdictions such as Finland, Norway, France, the UK and some states in America. The report failed to include some of the real risks and harms from the affirmative model of treatment for minors with gender dysphoria. Experiences of detransitioners and parents adversely affected by anti conversion laws were excluded from the report. According to many health professionals the affirmation approach of care has been shown to lack any evidence base or protect the long term health of minors struggling with gender dysphoria.
Freedom of speech lies at the heart of any democracy. Any legislative proposal that poses a direct threat to freedom of speech must come under intense public and media scrutiny. This issue is a serious matter concerning professional ethics, civil liberties, public health, especially the health of vulnerable young Tasmanians.
In the interest of freedom of speech, open and fair debate, I ask that you attend this forum. The forum will be hosted by Lara Alexander, the Member for Bass.
Isla MacGregor