Targeted campaign against conversion therapy ban as Tasmania looks to outlaw practice

Lara Alexander is hosting an event on the “risks and harms” of the proposed conversion therapy laws. (ABC News: Monte Bovill)

A targeted campaign is being run in Tasmania against plans to ban conversion therapy, including a Liberal MP hosting an upcoming event in Parliament House questioning the move.

Survivors of conversion therapies, and LGBTIQA+ groups, argue the campaign fundamentally misrepresents the proposed laws, which would see Tasmania join Victoria, Queensland and the ACT in banning the practices.

Liberal backbencher Lara Alexander will host a Free Speech Alliance event in Parliament House on November 23 titled, Conversion therapy laws – risks and harms?

An invitation email for the event sent to Tasmanian parliamentarians urges them to attend “in the interest of freedom of speech, open and fair debate”.

The email, from campaigner Isla MacGregor, promotes it as a “forum on the contentious changes to Tasmanian law being proposed by the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute on the issue of so-called ‘conversion therapy’.”

“The forum will offer testimony from those who have been negatively impacted by similar laws along with experts who will show the great danger such laws pose to best practice care and freedom of speech. You will personally get to hear from people who have not had the opportunity to be heard in this very contentious and serious debate in Tasmania,” it reads.

The event comes after the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) ran full-page advertisements in the state’s major newspaper which says the laws would “criminalise parents who question their children’s wish to change gender”, but this claim has been widely questioned.

Like with the Victorian laws, criminal charges could only be brought if someone experiences serious injury beyond a reasonable doubt due to conversion practices. Medical practitioners are exempt provided they comply with their code of ethics.

The reforms are based on a Tasmanian Law Reform Institute report from earlier this year, which outlined that parents and guardians “have the right to express views on sexuality or gender identity issues” to their children, and to “guide their moral and spiritual development”.

Nathan Despott, co-founder of support group SOGICE Survivors, claims conservative groups are running misleading campaigns. (ABC News: Adam Holmes)

Nathan Despott, who co-founded Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts (SOGICE) Survivors, said the opposition campaign in Tasmania had been vigorous and indicated to him that conversion practices were still occurring.

He said the laws would ensure LGBTQIA-plus people could no longer be considered “broken”.

“The real purpose of conversion practices legislation is not just to ban a small bunch of formal practices or kooky, quacky sort of practices, it’s actually designed to deal with this problem of this idea that LGBTQIA-plus are dysfunctional and broken and damaged and need to be fixed,” he said.

“And making sure that that idea can’t be prevalent, or inadvertently used as the base of treatment in health settings, in human service settings, in religious settings.”

The government plans to introduce the legislation early next year.

Opposition campaign ‘relying on lies’

Glen Worrell underwent conversion practices for 21 years in NSW and Tasmania in an attempt to “heal” his homosexuality.

At one stage he went through a nine-hour day of prayer that included an exorcism.

Glen Worrell, who experienced conversion practices for 21 years in NSW and Tasmania, says laws should prevent people from going through the harm he went through. (ABC News: Adam Holmes)

He said he experienced psychological and spiritual harm

“I don’t want anyone else to actually experience what I’ve experienced, and that’s why I believe firmly that these laws need to be introduced,” Mr Worrell said.

“Another thing is that as a person of faith, I believe the Christian faith at its best is to do no harm, and these practices do harm.

“And that’s why this legislation needs to be introduced as a boundary to prevent further harm being done to people here in Tasmania.”

He described the opposition campaign as relying on “lies”.

Equality Tasmania hosted a forum in Parliament House on Thursday night to “dispel myths” around the laws.

The group’s president Rodney Croome AM said the laws would not infringe on the rights of Tasmanian parents.

“Expressing a negative view on sexuality and gender identity is not in and of itself conversion practices. Conversion practices are very specific, and the legislation will aim at those very specific practices,” he said.

“In Victoria and other states that have conversion legislation, criminal penalties are reserved for the worst kind of injuries inflicted by conversion practices, and those injuries need to be proven beyond any doubt.”

The ACL’s advertisement included poll results which it claimed showed the majority of Liberal voters opposed the laws, based on a question asking if parents should be charged for questioning their child’s intention to change gender.

The poll report did not include the pollster, sample size or polling method.

ACL Tasmanian political director Christopher Brohier said they did not know what the government was actually proposing, as consultation was ongoing.

He said he did not believe “coercive and abusive” practices occur in Tasmania.

“The definition of conversion practice is so broad … that lots of things could come into it. It’s a course of conduct,” Mr Brohier said.

“We say the government should not legislate on this without having a proper inquiry, even a judicial inquiry.

“You shouldn’t legislate to deal with a problem that doesn’t exist. We don’t support any abusive or coercive practices.”

The event in Parliament House, to be hosted by Ms Alexander later this month, claims there are “medico-legal developments” in Europe and the United States that should be considered, and that “experiences of detransitioners” had been excluded from the law reform institute report.

No support for ‘conversion’

Speaking on ABC Radio Hobart on Friday, Ms Alexander said she wished to “make it clear” the issue for her was “about the process and it’s about freedom of speech and allowing everyone to have a say and be heard”.

“I’ll make it very clear, I am totally opposed to any form of coercing anybody to be anything they don’t want to be, so I want this on the record.”

Ms Alexander, who came to Australia from Romania, said she “grew up in a Communist country and where I grew up there was never another side of a coin”. 

“I’m not a doctor, so I’m not actually talking about the medical side of it. What I’m talking about is the process of how we’ve arrived at, the consultation process. 

“What I want is for everyone to have an opportunity to actually be heard and talk, this is what freedom of speech is about.

“I do not support anybody being coerced to do anything they don’t want to do, I don’t support anybody being converted in any way.”

Premier Jeremy Rockliff said he remained committed to introducing the laws next year and described the ACL’s advertisement as “complete rubbish”.

“No one is going to intimidate me, frankly. I am my own person, I put my views on the record. I’ve had a long history across my 20 years in this parliament of supporting inclusion,” he said.

He did not believe a conscience vote would be required for the Liberals.

Mr Rockliff said the group had a right to hold its event in Parliament House.

“Members can organise events. They need to be backed up by fact. We do not want to curtail freedom of speech,” he said.
