A years-old policy that has successfully supported young people of diverse sexuality and gender in Tasmanian schools is being criticised by the newly formed group Keep Gender Ideology Out of Schools.
The Supporting Sexual and Gender Diversity in Schools and Colleges Guidelines, which are currently under review with the LGBTIQ+ Working Group, supports sexual and gender diversity in schools.
Keep Gender Ideology Out of Schools (KGIOS) spokesperson Rebecca Crossin said the guidelines were delivered in conjunction with Working It Out as workshops for teachers and parents.
Ms Crossin said they were “ideologically driven materials” and called for widespread consultation on the topic with parents, teachers and other stakeholders including migrant, religious and other “gender critical” organisations.
Working It Out chief executive Lynn Jarvis said Tasmanian schools and parents continued to contact the organisation for assistance on a weekly basis.
Dr Jarvis said the guidelines had been in place for many years, and the organisation supported young people of diverse sexuality and gender for many years with proven success.
“Many of the young people we support suffer significant distress as a result of ongoing bullying and harassment in the school environment,” Dr Jarvis said.
“This is not about ideology, it’s about supporting young people to stay in school and stay alive. It’s about creating schools that are inclusive for everyone.”
Ms Crossin said teachers in her network were concerned about the workshops.
“Some have attended them but are fearful of raising objections to the gender ideology being rolled out in schools without a full risk assessment,” she said.
A government spokesman said the Education Department supports schools to provide safe, inclusive, respectful and supportive learning environments, free fro all types of discrimination.
He said the LGBTIQ+ Working Group had broad representation from state, Independent and Catholic schools and other community members.
Source: The Advocate