While Labor Opposition leader, Rebecca White, moves to distance the party from a deal with the Greens to fast track changes to the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act, the Greens’ Cassy O’Connor has resorted to accusations of transphobia against those calling for public consultation on the issue.
It’s now very clear the Tasmanian people are unhappy about the proposal to remove sex markers from birth certificates. Attorney-General, Elise Archer’s, call for an independent inquiry into the changes to be put forward by Labor and the Greens is both sensible and necessary.
Ms O’Connor’s latest remarks come as no surprise, but no lives will be “put at risk” by a wide ranging consultation that aims to secure the best result for all Tasmanians.
Women Speak Tasmania understands the proposed amendments are now evolving very quickly in response to public criticism.
Labor can see the writing on the wall. It’s time for Ms O’Connor and the Greens to stop peddling the 2016 Options Paper released by former Anti-discrimination Commissioner, Robin Banks, as evidence of broad community engagement. Once again, we challenge them to make public the submissions to this so-called inquiry, and Ms Banks’ final report.
We are concerned the rights of women and girls to safe female-only spaces will be collateral damage in the rush to allow male transgender persons to become legally female simply by signing a declaration that they identify as female.
This is a legitimate consideration, and must be fully addressed.
It seems Ms O’Connor’s claim that a call for consultation is “whipping up fear, loathing and misunderstanding at the expense of a minority in our community” is nothing more than overwrought scare-mongering, something she readily denounces in those who oppose her views.
Ms O’Connor also seeks to align transgender law reform with gay rights, but Tasmanians can see through this obvious political posturing.
They are not the same issue, and a broad ranging inquiry would make that clear, denying the Greens any political capital they might hope to gain from confusing and polarising the debate.
If Ms O’Connor has any respect for the Tasmanian community and their right to be fully informed of the implications of Labor and the Greens’ proposals, she will support the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute conducting a full and proper community consultation.
Source: Tasmanian Times